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He was leaning on the side of the building, looking ridiculously good looking. When he saw me he smiled. And like a movie, the street lights lit up his face. We walked towards each other, with a silly smile on our faces.

"Hey" I heard myself say

"Hey" he was closer now. He was close enough to touch. I looked up to him memorizing his beautiful eyes. Memorizing this moment.

"Ready?" I asked. My fingers lightly grazed his arm. His hands were in his pockets, but he was still inviting as ever. His presence overloaded my senses, until all there was, was him.

"Yeah, just one thing."  His words were smooth and effortless. He slipped his hands out of his pocket and placed them on my waist, pulling me closer. I looked up at him and smiled as his lips–

The elevator door abruptly opened and my little daydream ended quickly. I walked out of the elevator, flustered and embarrassed. I tried to get a handle of myself before I left the hotel lobby. I pushed open the doors and took a left to find Chris waiting at the side of the hotel.

"What happened to the deli?" I asked walking up to him. He quickly looked up and smiled. I quickly noticed the tiredness in his eyes, but he faked it pretty well.

"It's closed"

"Lets just get room service then." I offered, he followed me into my hotel. We went up to my room and I quickly called room service. We were lucky, room service closes at midnight, it was 11:40.

We sat on my couch eating. The couch in my hotel room was small. It fit two people, but couldn't fit three. Chris got a hamburger and I was drinking a strawberry smoothie.

"So tell me about you day." I told Chris. He went on about what happened that day. He talked about how they were behind schedule a bit. He also talked about the pranks he pulled, the jokes he shared. I found it a little too interesting. He seemed a little on edge today. I think I was just an overall slow and tedious day.

"What about your day?"

"Well, Sony called and tomorrow that representative I talked to is coming in to sign contracts." I mentioned calmly.

"Oh my god Lucy! That awesome!"

"I know, I'm really excited. As long as he signs those contracts we are good."

We talked a little longer than we should have. We talked about everything and anything. It was two in the morning when both of us were falling asleep.

"Chris. Hey Chris." I woke nudging him awake. Damn we had both dozed off.

"Hmmm" he hummed.

"Why don't you just stay the night. Take the bed."

"Luce no, I'll take the couch." His eyes were still closed and his voice is low and raspy.

"You literally don't fit on the couch. You're too tall for it. I'm not, so move." I told him giving a bit of a shove. Chris hesitantly got up and crashed on the bed. I'm not even sure he bothered to take his shoes off, or pull the covers over. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and a pillow before settling on the couch. I was too tall for the couch, but I was better off then Chris.

It was six ten in the morning when I got a call. I jumped at the sound of my phone thinking it was my alarm. I quickly snatched it from the night stand, noticing Chris asleep in his stomach under the covers.

I quickly went outside into the hallway to take the call.

"Hey, Macy. How's it going?" I ask. I was worried, because when I got a call like this, it meant the meeting isn't going as planned.

"Hi, Ms. Jones. Mr. Peters, wants to see what a set building looks like. He wants to inspect the work. He wants to do this before he signs." She talked stiffly, letting me know he was in the room.

"Oh, well tell him. I am currently on a set building in New Mexico. Send him down here if he's really interested." I decided. I felt a headache coming on.

"Of course." We shortly hung up and I wanted to slam my head into a wall. Why couldn't he just sign the damn papers!

I walked back into my room unhappy and wide awake. I changed into jeans and some t-shirt and head out to grab some breakfast for Chris and I.

I got back before Chris woke up, he was out like a night light. I sit on the couch eating my breakfast and checking my emails. I got one from one of my crew members saying they had a stomach virus. Hopefully it doesn't spread. I got one from Mr. Peters saying to expect him tomorrow. Great.

It was eight o'clock when Chris stirred. I'm pretty sure he didn't even have to be at work till nine. I wanted to be at work right now, so I could get ready.

"What time is it?" Chris lazily asked, his voice is still drenched in sleepiness.

"It's about 8:05 sleeping beauty."

"Hey, 6 hours isn't that good. What time did you wake up?"

"Six. Got a business call." I answered curtly. I tried not to be a bitch today, got myself a good breakfast, got every reason to smile, but yet I was so short tempered today.

"Ouch, sorry. That sucks."

"Yeah it does. I got you breakfast, but it's probably cold." I mentioned pointing to the styrofoam container on the night stand.

"Wow, dinner and breakfast in bed, Luce you know how to treat a guy." Chris said trying the cheer me up noticing my sour mood.

My phone rang again and I answered it wondering what went wrong this time.

"Hey, it's Stacy, I'm calling in sick today. I think I have the stomach virus. If you don't mind, the list of things to get done today is in the meeting room." Stacy was my right hand gal. I needed her to be in tip top shape, to help me clean my crew up quickly. I paced the room, swimming in stress. Now I short staffed!

"Stacy take as much time as you need. I'll handle everything." I hung up the phone. I looked at Chris who just patted the empty space next to him on the bed. I huffed and fell landing face first. I want to scream into the bed.

"What happened?"

"Stacy is sick, so is Robert. Mr. Peters didn't sign the goddamn contract. He's coming down to inspect my work." I complain talking into the bed. So it probably sounds like a bunch of mumbles. I wallow in my self pity before I pick myself up.

"You know what! Mr. Peters can shove it up his ass. My work is good, I don't need to worry that it's not good enough for him! It is good enough for him!" Chris just looked at me and I feel as if I'm talking to a wall. The one sided conversation still pumps me up.

"Yeah!" Chris agreed trying not to sound too confused.

"Yeah! I can do this!"

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