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"Luce. Lucy" Someone was calling my name. I couldn't really focus enough to figure out who. Their voice was far away, lucid dreams filled my consciousness.

"Wake up!" And it was like I was swimming to the surface of the water, breaking through gaining consciousness. I woke up startled. I jerked a bit in a panic, sitting straight up quickly after seeing a man standing over me.

"Whoa, Luce! You okay?" I looked around and my eyes focused on Chris. He had a slightly worried look on his face. I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I croaked. My heart was racing after being scared awake.

"Eleven" he said. And then my heart just stopped instead.

"Eleven!" I repeated grabbing my phone to check. When I unlocked my phone, my "alarm" was set for 9. But I accidentally just typed 9 into the calculator app and thought it was my alarm app.

I showed Chris my phone.

He looked back at me confused, "did you try to set your alarm on the calculator?"

I slowly nodded rubbing my face. He laughed a little at me.

"What a day already." I mumbled

"Are they expecting you in today?"

"They're always expecting me in today. I was hoping to hear from someone at Sony and I've neglected a lot of other projects anyway." I got up from the couch and stretched out.

"Can I use your shower quickly?" Chris nodded. I took a quick shower, but half way through brushing my hair I lost all my energy for the day. I needed a vacation. Life was becoming overwhelming and I could feel myself burning out.

Leaving the bathroom, I noticed a coffee sitting on the coffee table. Chris was sipping one himself on a chair scrolling on his phone.

I smiled picking up the cup.

"Did I get the right thing?" He asked looking hopeful.

Smiling at him I took a sip. "Yeah how'd you guess?"

He looked so happy with himself, I could never tell him that I hated the sugar syrup flavoring it had in it. I usually ask for half the amount if I wanted a flavor. "I can't believe that I guessed right. You don't seem to be a black coffee drinker, well as in its not a treat type drink and I wanted to get you something nice. I also somehow remembered you don't like caramel, so I just got a vanilla flavored one."

"What'd you get?" I asked

"Black coffee. Cold brew."

"I do like milk or creamer with my coffee. It's just warmer or better I guess?" I admitted grabbing my stuff.

Once in the elevator I cherished my coffee, slowly taking one sip after the other. "Hey thanks for letting me stay over last night. And for dealing with the stages of exhaustion. And for getting me coffee in the morning. I really appreciate it."

"Don't worry about it. Any time with you is a good time." He set a hand on my forearm and I almost pulled away.

"You really shouldn't have said that, now you'll never get rid of me." I teased

"Don't think I want to." He quickly replied back. It was a response I wasn't really expecting. I was struck speechless when he said that. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. He's probably the most sincere little bastard I know. He smiled back and we headed back to set quietly, enjoying each others presence.

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