Chapter 1

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    Ever since the age of four, Izuku Midoriya has been ostracized by the human society. Be it either by the civilians or by the heroes. And every day, ever since that day, he wondered and asked to himself 'Why?'.

    But he knew the answer to his question. It's because he was quirkless. Izuku learnt about the cruelty of the world at the bare age of four years old.

Let me tell you how it all began.

     It was like any other day to the four year old, but it was a bit special since today was his birthday and the day he will find out what his quirk is. And like every other kid on their fourth birthday he was shaking with excitement, never knowing his life shall only turn to worst from this day on.

    Izuku was so excited that he couldn't be patient anymore and woke his mom at early hours of six o'clock in the morning.

    "Mama get up come on, wake up wake up." Izuku said excitedly. And so his mom Inko Midoriya had began to stir up with a groan. "Good morning sweetie." Inko said still trying to open her eyes. Once they were opened enough she looked beside her to her clock to check the time.


   "I'm sorry mama but I was to excited. It's not only my birthday, but I get to know what quirk I get." Excitement was pouring out of the boy's body, not able to contain it.

   "Since I'm up now we might as well have breakfast, but first you need to shower and change your clothes." And that's when Izuku looked down and realized he was still in his Allmight pyjamas. So he ran back to his room to shower and change his clothes while his mother did breakfast.

    Twenty minutes later, Izuku came down fully prepared. "Happy birthday sweetie, I made your favourite and later on after your doctor's appointment we'll be getting Katsudan, how does sound?"
     The answer to his mother's question was him bouncing onto his chair with many nods of his head, earning a little giggle from his mom.

   A little time skip until the time for them to leave. Inko has buckled little Izuku into his seat, giving a kiss on his forehead before she went to the driver's seat and drove off. "What do you think my quirk is gonna be? Do you think it's gonna be like yours mama? Or am I gonna get a quirk as strong as Allmight's? Maybe something flashy like Kachaan's? Or, or something like.." He began mumbling enthusiastically to his mother. "Kachaan and I are gonna be greatest heroes." Izuku stated at the end of his mumbling.

    "No matter what quirk you get, I will always love you and you will always be my sweet little angel." Inko promised earning an angelic smile from her son.

    Once they arrived to their destination, they were straight away asked to meet with the doctor. A couple tests here and results were finally done, and currently they are seated opposite of the doctor waiting for the results. "So doctor, what is my quirk? Is it something strong? Or is it like my mama?" Izuku asked the doctor, with his mom smiling fondly to him. "So what is his quirk?" Inko asked right after Izuku had.

    "I'm sorry to say this but your son is quirkless." He stated, and Izuku's world crumbled. "If you look here at the scans you would see that he has two joints on his pinkie toe, which means that your son will never be able to develop a quirk." He continued, but it all fell to deaf ears to Izuku. He looked up to his mother, seeing that she had a strained smile on her face, while he had tears brimming in his eyes.

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