Chapter 3

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   Izuku's pov:

   Once I arrived there and entered, the house was completely deserted. No furniture, no lights, no nothing.. but a simple note.

   I moved to a new house and couldn't sell this one since no one would buy it knowing that a thing like you lived here so enjoy it it's all yours now. And don't you dare call me or ask me help, you can rot in hell for all I care.

   "Huh, she finally left." I said in a monotoned voice. "There's no point in staying since I won't be able to make money to buy food or any necessities. No one would hire me and people turn a blind a eye to a kid in need like me." I decided. I'm just gonna end it today. That would make everyone's day happy. But I gotta say something, seeing this house all dark like this would probably be the only time it ever actually felt like home.' The dark and the shadows always did make me feel safe, so maybe that's why.' That was my last thought before I turned around out the door for the final time.

    I searched for a place that wasn't too far from my neighbourhood, but not too close either. I managed to find a tall abandoned building on the outskirts of the city near a forest. 'This should be the perfect place.' I thought and then started ascending the stairs. So after a fifteen minute stair climbing, I finally made it to the top. The rooftop. And I slowly began walking to the edge, thinking about dreams, my hopes, my life.

    Heroes are hypocrites, they only care about the money and fame this job brings them. They don't care about the safety of the people nor the collateral damage they cause during a fight. Few of them are like the new debuted heroes like Kamui Woods, Mount Lady, or even heroes in the top ten like Endeavour the number two hero and... Allmight the number one hero. And to think I looked up to them, wanted to be them, but my eyes have finally opened to the truth. There are only a few who are true heroes, and there is one of them that I would've loved to meet. 'Still can't believe that I actually thought that Allmight was a true hero.'

    The civilians, the people are just as much to blame as the heroes. People would turn a blind eye on an injured kid asking for help. Hospitals and police stations wouldn't even lift a finger to help if they found out that the said person is quirkless. I know that some people have it bad if they have a weak quirk or a quirk that is deemed villianess, but no one has it worse than us quirkless kids. What the fuck do these people think, this isn't something we can control, but the world does not care, does not give two shits.

     Then there are the villains. They steal, destroy, kidnap, torture... but I can't help but sympathize with some of them. Don't get me wrong, but I can understand their reasoning. Some steal cause they can't afford for their family, some resort to violence because they have no choice or say in the matter, and some turned villains because the world turned their backs on them and thought of finding a place for them on the dark side of the world. Just like me.

    I'm standing on the edge ready to end this, and all it would take is to make the final step.... and I jumped.

    Falling down I can't help but feel very peaceful and at ease, and I was embracing it, I couldn't help but give a small smile. But while falling, I couldn't stop rethinking about everything that I just thought of. The world turned its back on me, but I just... don't want to turn my back on the world, because there are people just like me waiting to be saved but will never get it.

    'I've decided. If I manage to survive this, I'm going to be the person who's willing to help and save those in need. I'm going to be there for them since no one else would. Villains and civilians alike, I would save them all.' And then darkness consumed me.

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