Chapter 5

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Izuku's pov:

   This is the first time I had shed tears in years. Maybe there is hope, but for now, I have something to focus on first. I made a promise to myself and I'll do anything to achieve it. 

    My tears didn't last long. I focused back to them and got out of the bed. I bowed to the best of my ability in my current state and thanked them from the bottom of my heart. "I thank you very greatly for accepting to help me, although you don't have to do every thing you just said you would principle Nezu, but i truly thank you all." It was a genuine thanks, but I had no emotion to show it for.

   "That is utter nonsense little fella, stop bowing to us this instant and listen to me. You deserve everything I just said-" I interrupted him.


  "No buts. I meant every word I said before, and I mean every word that I'm about to say. Someone of your case deserves the utmost help, you should've got thst help the moment you asked for it, but you never got it, and for that.. " Nezu stopped and bowed to me. "I apologize to you on behalf on all the heroes." Nezu's act caused everyone to look at him in shock, but soon Aizawa followed in his footsteps and bowed to me as well.

   "I agree with Nezu here, you should have been rescued and saved a long time ago, so I hope you take my apology as well also on behalf all of the heroes. But keep in mind that we're not telling you to forgive any of the heroes who wronged you."

   "You my young deary deserve all the treatment and help that you needed, so even I would like to apologise for not getting help any sooner." Recovery girl added and bowed to the best of her ability in her current age.

    I looked them in the eye to make sure that they meant what they said, and to my surprise, they did. I didn't know how to answer at first, but I made my decision. "Alright, you got me, I'll accept your terms." That brought a smile on their faces.

   "Glad to hear it. Well until I can prepare a house and any accommodation you need, you'll be living with Aizawa here and would have daily check ups with Choyo. Any of you have a problem with it?" Nezu asked.

   " I wouldn't mind." Aizawa answered.

   " I have absolutely no problem with it." Choyo answered as well.

   "Well everything is set and agreed on, but Izuku I have a question that I would like to ask, would you mind."

    "Ask away principle Nezu." I answered.

Nezu's pov:

   "First of all please just call me Nezu. Now for my question, what is it that you would like to do for your future and all? If you don't have any plans there would be nothing wrong with that, I just have a suggestion for you that might benefit you." I said.

    The little fella went silent for a moment, seemingly to be thinking about what to answer me. It seemed he nodded to himself and gave me answer.

   "To be honest with you, I never had any plans for my self or the future. Maybe when I was two I did want to become a hero, but that dream died when I was four, after that all I ever wanted was for everything to end. So when I did jump, I started thinking, I thought about everything that happened to me. I started thinking about all these corrupt heroes and officers, about the villains and their reasoning for becoming one, and finally about all the other quirkless or people with deemed villainous or weak quirks, about all the people who are suffering as well. So I thought if I by any chance managed to survive, and knowing my luck, I promised myself that I would do anything it takes to save those who are in need, villains and civilians alike it wouldn't matter to me. So this is what I would like to do for the future, I want to change the world and become someone for people that can rely on. It's a promise I'm willing to do anything to achieve it."

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