english chapter 【Sex】【Party】

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-Hey Akane! Today in Bulma's House will have a party! you come right?-Goku says that

-I'm not sure about that... Maybe yes or maybe not. Why are u asking me that?

-Nothing, just curious. - He smirked at me.

- "Just curious"? - I smirked to. -I don't belive that, tell Gokú. -I got closer to him, I sat next to him and kissed his cheek, he smiled with innocence.

-Okay You win, but believe me it's true! I was just curious.

-promise me -I challenged him

-did i ever lie? Oh, come on! I promise" He kissed my lips and gently placed his hands on my waist. I smiled in the middle of the kiss. He firmly grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap.

-Naaah! Akane! Why are you so bad!

-Just... wait little longer ok?. -I smiled and I felt a small laugh. and it sounded like Bulma's I turned and indeed, it was her

-Wow, you love each other very much. how cute. but now it's time to go.

-Where? -I asked

-we'll gotta go to my party.

-Oh damn it, maybe we can go later. I'm busy

-Don't worry. I'll be waiting for you.

-See you soon!! -I yelled to her

-Bulma! Is Vegeta Here?


-I'm going to train with Vegeta! see you later Akane!

-I'll wait for you at home, have fun-I said. the saiyan went flying in the direction of Capsule Corporation so I did the same but in the direction of Mountain Paos. My house. The road was not long. so come soon. I took a sip of water and started playing video games.

-2 h later-

-I'm going to Bulma's party, are you coming?

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

-I'm going to Bulma's party, are you coming?

-Yes! Wait for me! -He came out of the house and shouted something... like "flying cloud" or something like that.

Suddenly a yellow cloud appeared and got on top of Goku, sitting him down in the attempt. He held my hand and invited me to sit on the cloud too.

-I'm not sure I'm scared. won't we fall?

-of course not! do not be afraid.

-I am not sure

-Oh come on!

-ok I'll try. let me breathe ... okay i am ready... --he took my hand and sat me between his knees hugging my abdomen. I laid my head on his chest and clung to his hand.

-are you still afraid? you climbed on this cloud when you were little!

-I know! oh fuck it I don't know, it makes me nostalgic, you know?

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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