Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Hey babe, what's wrong?"

"Today I'm staying at my parents' house, are you okay?"

"What happend? are they sick?"

"No, they're okay, it's about work, there's something they want to talk to me about"

"Okay then, I'm fine, Jin, I'll call you later, love you baby"

"Love you too Tae"

Jin hung up the phone and turned it off. He felt, his relationship with Jungkook should be completed today. He didn't want to leave without a definite answer and a calm heart. He will soon marry Tae, he doesn't want to keep thinking about the past with Jungkook. At least he had to confess his feelings all along.

Jungkook came out of his room and approached Jin who was standing in the living room.


"Hey Jungkook, why are you awake? You should rest, your body is still weak." Jin immediately approached Jungkook and supported his body.

"I'm fine, why are you still here?"

"I will accompany you today, so go back to the room"

"No, I want to watch tv, I'm bored in the room, you tidy up all this?"

"Yeah you see there's someone else here besides me?"

"Why Jin?"

"Sit down, your body is heavy"

They sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"Jin you haven't answered me"

"What are you asking?"

"Why are you doing this? You have the option of rejecting my father, you can leave me here alone, but why are you here?"

They weren't looking at each other, their eyes were straight on the TV, even though they weren't really watching TV.

"I don't know, I just wanted to do it, do you mind me being here?"

"I'm glad you're here, but I feel like there's a distance between us now, maybe because the one sitting next to me right now is someone else's fiancé."

Jin shifted his seat, getting closer to Jungkook's body.

"Do you feel there is still some distance between us now?"

"Jin, you know that's not what I meant and you're still wearing my necklace"

"It's a gift from my ex, I just appreciate it"

"But your ex told you to take it off"

"But he said his heart is mine" Jin turned to Jungkook.

Jin leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder, Jungkook just kept quiet and tried not to glance at Jin.

"Did you miss me Jungkook?" Jin took Jungkook's hand and intertwined it.



"You don't have to do this Jin"

"Do what?"

"I don't want us to get hurt more, you have to be happy"

"Why do you always tell me to be happy? how about you?"

"Because you said that, when we broke up, you said you weren't happy with me, because our communication was always not good, we always fought, even after breaking up I still hurt you"

"Do you miss me?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Me too, whenever I'm with Tae, I suddenly remember flashes about you, about us, we didn't do much together, but strangely it really made an impression on me, Tae was very good to me, he was a perfect man, but because of his perfection I became doubt and fear. I feel comfortable with him, but I realize that without him it's much more comfortable for me, I even look for your similarities to Tae, I wish there was at least something in common between you that could remind me of you, but in fact there isn't. He was just another person, a new person in my life who came with joy, brought a lot of hope to me. I was wrong for letting him in, even though at that time my heart was still filled with someone else and now that person is trapped there, in a corner of my heart."

"Jin, I'm sorry"

"It's not only you who is wrong, I was also wrong for not telling you about the wedding plans, I thought it could be a surprise on your birthday, but never mind it has happened"

"I never let anyone touch me Jin, I still keep our promise"


"I may look indifferent to you, maybe you think I have a lot of friends and change boyfriends often, but I don't. Lisa came to me, confessed her feelings, but I kept rejecting her, until finally she gave up and accepted me as a friend, we kissed a few times, but it was just a kiss, she knew I only considered her a friend and then she gave up and left me. Hoseok, my coworker, he likes me too but he has a boyfriend, on my birthday he came alone because of a fight with his boyfriend and stupidly I planned that crazy idea to make you jealous, but even then because I was jealous to see you coming with Tae, I'm not really close with those people Jin, I'm afraid to open my heart to others. I often disappear not because I want to play with your feelings, but I am busy with my work and every time I see you on Instagram you look happy, I feel that my presence might only ruin your happiness, until the time we meet at the restaurant. You cursed me and said you were already dating Tae, you guys had sex and you hated me, it kept going around in my head, making me mad at myself, I was devastated because of my own actions—"

"I lied"

"What? what are you lying about?"

"When I was at the restaurant I lied about everything, I haven't dated Tae, I've never had sex with him until now and I... I've never hated you"

"But... why are you-"

"A week later he asked me to be his boyfriend, at that time I was angry with you, I saw your post hugging another man with an intimate caption, I.. I'm jealous, I want to prove to you that I can be without you"

"And it's proven, you can do it without me"

"NO!" Jin woke up and faced Jungkook with teary eyes, his stern voice made Jungkook turn his head towards him.

"What do you mean?"

"I.. I can never be without you"

"But you are happy now Jin"

"Jungkook don't you understand? I.. I love you"

Instantly the room was filled with silence, the sound of the TV was muted, they just looked at each other without a word.

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