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Taylor's P.O.V.-

Gosh, Ocean is so beautiful....

She's so...so perfect.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a ding, signifying that someone is coming out of the elevator. I saw Ocean walk out, looking gorgeous as ever. She looked at her phone and blushed.

I wonder why?

She glances at Shawn, while he stands there, smirking at her. I can feel my jaw clench. All the boys stop being idiots when Shawn walks over and kisses her cheek.

I feel my hands ball up at the site I see in front of me. Her cheeks begin to turn a rosy shade of pink.

I wish that was me, making her blush while I kiss her...but alas, it will never be.

She surprisingly walks my way, and wraps me up in a big hug.

"Hey, Bandanna Boy." She laughs at her old nickname for me.

"Hey Beanie Babe." I respond back, also laughing. I see Shawn in the distance, getting some slut's phone number. She had less clothes on then Miley Cyrus! (Btw babes thats Madie Work. Like it? No? ok...) I roll my eyes at him. Ocean looks in the direction I'm looking in, to see what I was rolling my eyes at, she looked bummed.

"Well then." I hear Carter say. She leaned over to me.

"Hey, let's go to the venue where the Meet and Greet is." She whispered to me. I nodded and intertwined our fingers. We raced over to the venue. Of course I let her beat me, well let's just say I let her beat me.

We ran backstage to the snack table, when I heard the door open. Everyone, including Shawn and What's-His-Whore came walking in. Ocean glared at Shawn, he had a look of guilt spread on his face. He let go of the ridiculous girls hand, causing her to "pout".

"Awe Shane! Why'd you, like let go of my hand, like seriously?!" She whined.

"My name is Shawn." Shawn said without any emotion in his words. He rolled his eyes. I tried not to laugh, as well as Ocean. She looked like she was about to explode out of laughter.

The annoying brat scoffs and leaves, causing me to say, "Glad that is gone."

Everyone bursts into fits of  laughter, with Shawn jokingly flipping me off.

"Haha very funny." Shawn says with obvious sarcasm in his voice. Everyone heads on to the stage, except me and Ocean. She still looks a bit uncomfortable, so I go in to give her a big hug. She accepts, and wraps her arms around my neck, mine going around her waist.

"Thanks Bandanna Boy, I needed that." She smiles at me. I smile back at her.

"Glad to help Beanie Babe." I say back to her. I stare into her icy blue eyes, getting lost in her waves of long, dark hair. Cupping her cheeks, I lean in toward her.

A/N This chapter was written by the FABULOUS Emily! I left you guys hanging...HAHAHAHAHA


btw no one can replace this internet Bestie!!! * hair flip*

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