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"Hey babe, " Shawn said walking into the room. It's been a month and me and Shawn are dating. Our plan worked perfectly. That biotch was gone. She left screaming this wasn't over, all the boys were inmature brats, and I'm I sleep around alot even though I'm totally a virgin. I smiled.

"Hey, what do you wanna do today?" I asked giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know. I was gonna hang with Matt," Shawn said walking towards me. He had been hanging with Matt all week. I looked down at my feet as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He kissed me softly. Then it got hard as he pushed against my lips. I started kissing back trying to keep up. He bit my lip. At first it was a turn on but it started to hurt in less then a second.

"Ouch!" I said pushing him away. His eyes were on fire. I couldn't figure out if it was seductiveness or anger. Was it both? I haven't slept with him but I thought things were moving fast.

Shawn looked at me and practically glared. What was wrong? We were already moving fast. Shawn looked at me and walked out the hotel room.

"Uhh!" I yelled and plopped on the bed. I called the only person I know who could give me advice.

"Ocean?" Angel asked after she answered the phone.

"Hey! I need some advice, " I said into the phone.

"Talk to mama," Angel said. She was always there for me. I miss her.

"Well, Shawn and I have been dating for a month. And all week he's been going to Matts for a few hours, coming back, showering, putting on shorts and a shirt, and going to bed. Then today he kissed me so hard and fast it hurt. And then bit me. But it wasn't a turn on, Ang. It seriously hurt. Then he left angry," I said looking around the room.

"Ok. I'm going to focus on one thing at a time. It sounds like he's on the verge of pressuring you into sex. Then are you sure he's leaving to hang out with Matt?" She said thoughtfully.

"Well, the other guys are at the hotel across the street, " I said avoiding the sex part. Yes, he could be but....

"Ok. So go over there, Oc. And we're not letting him pressuring you. You know he's going to," she said.

"Ok. I'm going to go 'spy'. Love ya," I said.

"Love ya!" She said before hanging up.

I sat there for a minute soaking everything up. Angel was applying Shawn was cheating on me. If he was, was it because I wasn't ready? Then maybe he was pressuring me.

Or maybe he wasn't. Yeah. Maybe he wasn't cheating, or pressuring me. I got up telling myself to feel confident. I put on my grey vans, white jean shorts, and a flowy see through black button up. I put on a pink tank and matching earrings. I tried to do something nice with my hair, but gave up and let my waves flow free.

I walked outside and stopped in front of Matt's and the guys hotel. What do you have to worry about? He could not be cheating on you. Or he could. He could not want sex right now from you. Or he could.

I took a deep breath and walked inside making a beeline for the elevator.

"IT'S OCEAN!" Yelled some girls coming from the elevator.

They walked over and gave me a hug.

"Are you and Shawn still together?"

"Do you love him?"

"OMG! Ocshawn babies would be so cute!"

"Excuse me ladies. I love you all but I'm a little busy," I said stepping into the elevator and closing the doors. That was overwhelming. But it's all part of having a famous brother and Magcon.

I wander how Nash is. I haven't really talked to him. I need to do that. He's one of my best friends and he's my brother. This shouldn't tear our relationship apart. But what is 'this'?

The elavator opened and I stepped out.
This is it. I went to room 607 and knocked. Matt opened the door and a face of sheer terror spread over his face when he saw me.

The serious deep in thought Ocean disappeared. I stepped inside and sat in a chair.

"Look Oc, you might wanna leave," Matt said sitting down next to me.

"Why?" I asked looking at him.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he saud looking towards the door.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Find out for yourself. You'll need to," Matt said.

"Ok. How?" I asked getting up.

"Across the hall," He said opening the door for me.

"Is Shawn," I said walking out.

"With," he said stopping for me to fill in.

"A horny girl" I finished.

"Bingo!" Matt said smiling sadly.

I walked down the hallway towards the elevator. How could he?

Was I not good enough?

Not pretty enough?

I walked across the street and up to my room. I walked into the bathroom and got out a razor.

Am I going to do it?

A/N I edited this mu waffles but I also wrote it. Sorry if we don't have "bad words" but me and Emily don't curse. So sorry..?

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