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Taylor's P.O.V.-

The look in her vibrant blue eyes broke my heart when I told her I'd sat on a razor. She looked at it in utter disgust. It confused me at first, then it clicked. It broke my heart once again, the sad look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she says. She looked as if she was contemplating something in her head. I did something I knew I wouldn't regret.

I kissed her.

Call me crazy for falling in love with her, but I just can't help it. She gives me that feeling that I can never really explain. That feeling of love, happiness, and a touch of anxiety.

She is my anxiety.

She gives me that shaking feeling in my stomach. Ocean makes it so that a whirlwind goes and messes with my emotions. I have never cared for someone as much as I care for her. I'd only known her since about a year ago, when me and the guys came to visit Nash. I felt bad when I started developing feelings for her, since she was with that jerk, Jacob Whitesides.

I know she has a hard past and I want to help her. I want to save her. Nash had already warned me not to get close to Ocean. Me being me, I don't listen. I fell, and I fell hard. I think my reaction when I found out she was coming to Magcon was a mixture between a squealing little girl, and a cat that just touched water.

We broke away from the kiss, Ocean's face was seemingly shocked. The shocked face soon turned into a crooked smile. She leaned in again, pressing her plump lips to mine longer than I had kissed her. I smiled as her hands found their way to my hair.

Ocean's P.O.V.-

I had a sudden burst of confidence when I kissed him. It was almost as if it was my heart pulling my towards him, not my body. Taylor has made me realize something.

I am worth it.

I know what you're thinking: Where did that come from?

Well, I had started growing feelings for Taylor when we first met. It made me feel guilty though, because I was dating Jacob at the time.

Of course it was about that time that we broke up, maybe about a month or so. But enough about him. I don't need him in my life anymore. My head mentally turns to Shawn.

God dangit!

He only used me for sex!

He tried to pressure me into having "it" when I wasn't ready!

I thought he loved me for me, not for my body. My mind runs to thoughts of Taylor and Madison.

Gosh I'm so pathetic.

I bet Taylor doesn't even want me...

Why would he?

Why would he what?

Why would he kiss you?


But I mean why would he like you?

You are a pathetic loser...

A nobody...

No wonder Jacob cheated on you...


My conscience had taken over my head, before I knew it I was sobbing. Taylor's face softened as he pulled me in for a hug. I feel a smile tug on my lips.

He's not doing this because he likes you, you delusional idiot. He's doing it because he feels bad for you. He would never like yourself. Ocean! You're no better than Madison!

Those words stung me, how could I say such vile things to myself? Why do I keep having thoughts like this? I pull out of Taylor's embrace, causing him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. I stand up out of the hospital chair and walk out of the room.

Being met my the cold winds of the harsh outside world, I sit down on a bench at a park across the street. I see a person that I didn't quite expect to see.


A/N EDITED by Maddie! I think I wrote this but honestly idek

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