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Shawn's P.O.V.-

I wake up holding the most beautiful girl in the world...Selena Gomez....

Just kidding, it was Ocean. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. I love her gorgeous dark brown hair, her bright blue eyes, her shortness, everything.

She looks so cute when she sleeps. The way her eyes are gently shut, when she softly scrunches her nose, when she snuggles into my chest.

Ocean's P.O.V.-

I wake up to see Shawn staring at me, but I don't show that I'm awake. I just pretend to sleep.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I can feel myself smirk at my words. He softly chuckles at my words.

"Maybe I will." He says in his Oh-So-Sexy morning voice. I blush at his words, putting my head in his bare chest.

"What time is it?" I yawn, he shrugs and checks his phone. His eyes go wide once he sees it.

"IT'S 12:00!" He practically screams. We scramble out of bed, trying to get ready in a rush.

"I CANT BELIEVE THEY DIDN'T WAKE US UP FOR SOUND CHECK!" I scream. He nods, looking through his suitcase.

*10 minutes later*

We finally get ready and head out of the door. He intertwines our fingers and I smile.

Taylor's P.O.V.-

Okay, Ocean's gonna kill me when she finds out what I did.

Holy. Crap.

I see her and Shawn walk into the venue. I watch as they walk up to us, holding hands and can feel my jaw clench.

I see Ashley (a girl he met after Ocean got mad at him) and she wraps her arms around my neck, and pecks my lips.

I don't feel anything though, not even the smallest spark. She sees that I don't kiss back and frowns.

"Why aren't you, like, kissing me Tyler?" She says with her squeaky voice as she chops her gum loudly.

"My name is Taylor." I say through my teeth. She looks dumbfounded. I look over at Ocean, seeing her laugh away with Shawn.


*1 hour later*

Sound check finally ended. Thank God. I couldn't stand Ashley clinging to me like a koala. Or having Ocean and Shawn act like the happiest couple in the world. Nash seemed infuriated the whole time. He must not want them together as much as I do, just for different reasons.

*After Magcon cuz I'm lazy AFreak rn*

I can't believe what I just saw...Ocean will thank me later....

A/N HEEYYY my beautiful readers! What do you think Taylor saw? Personally idek, AND I'M A CO-AUTHOR! Let's just leave it to Maddie to find out what he saw....ANYWHALE, I really like where this story is headed tbh. I hope you had fun reading chapter 5 by the ALWAYS FLAWLESS EMILY!!!!!! Byeee cupcakes, imma call u guys my cupcakes from now on....Maddie chose waffles, I chose cupcakes. Anyways, BYE CUPCAKES!!!!!

A/NN MADDIE oh whatever Maddie edited this mu waffles....

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