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A dad. I never thought I'd be able to say I had a dad.

But as I hop on the bus outside the laboratory that just took my blood, the fact that this might actually be happening starts to set in.

If what Peter said is actually true. Then my mom took me, and then later on blamed it on me. I can't count how many times she would sneer at me when she was upset. Saying how everything was my fault. That I drove him away. How fucking twisted is she?

I asked Peter how he found me and the answer he gave made my gut sink. Although my mom has changed her number over and over, Peter never did in hopes that one day she would call him back. And that day came, she called with a proposition for him.

She would give him my name and city I live in, but it would come at a price. Ten thousand dollars to be exact.

He paid, not knowing if it was another one of her games. But it was the first real chance he's ever gotten to meet me. I couldn't believe he'd spend ten grand on a slim chance like that. And I really couldn't believe it when he explained that he had to sell his car to get that ten grand.

Now the waiting game begins for the both of us.

We should get results tomorrow, I slipped the guys at the lab a couple hundred dollars to make our test a priority.

And in the midst of all this I lied to Rose. I didn't know how to explain any of this to her, so instead I said Dean needed me for a few hours tonight to sign paperwork for this upcoming season.

She sent me a text an hour ago saying goodnight and I missed it. This is the first night in forever that I didn't wish her nightmares away before she fell asleep. When I arrived home I thought she might be up waiting for me, but little snores left her lips as she slept peacefully on our bed.

I let out a sigh of relief, honestly the last thing I need tonight is for her to question me. I'm confused, hurt and tired. I keep trying to push it to the back of my brain. I really just want to stop thinking about it until I get the results back.

I quickly get ready for bed and slide in next to Rose. The room is silent, other than Rose's quiet snores and the sound of the air conditioner. I reach into my nightstand drawer, fish out my ear buds and plug them into my phone. Searching through my music library I click on a playlist I made for nights I can't sleep. It's a compilation of songs that take my mind to other places. And other places are where I need to be right now.


It's morning, I know because I can feel the sun heating my face. But I don't care to open my eyes because my brain is already busy flooding my head with anticipation for the results.

I can hear water running in the bathroom. Rose must have woken up already and decided to take a shower. I run my fingers through my hair as I force my eyes open. I can't tell if I'm looking forward  to today or dreading it.

One thing I do know is my stomach is already in knots. Looking for my phone I realize I knocked it off the bed last night onto the floor. I know it must be too early for the lab to be done already, but I pick my phone up and refresh my email anyway.


I let out a big huff of air as my stomach knots up even more. I might not even get results today, money can only buy priority, it can't make miracles happen. They said it might take a few days but they will try to get it to me today.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn't even hear the shower turn off, or Rose walk back into the room. It takes me a moment to realize someone's talking to me.

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