ENTP X INFP Romance be like:

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ENTP: I swear I'm gonna kill anyone who broke my vase!

INFP: I'm so sorry, it was me! I'll repair it! Please don't hurt me!

ENTP: I can't hurt an angel can I? You're forgiven, just make sure to repair it okay.

INFP: yes, I will! hey uh, ENTP?

ENTP: yeah, what is it? *notices tears on her cheeks* who hurt you! Once I find that asshole I'm giving him a piece of my mind!

INFP: no don't. I don't want any trouble..


ENTP: *sighes* What happened hun, I hate seeing you like this. Tell me, who did this to you?

INFP: ESTJ yelled at me! And got up to my face. He was so mean! I thought he was going to hurt me *starts crying* Also my therapist started crying mid session

ENTP: I think that means you win

INFP: *glares*

ENTP: *doesn't know how to deal with INFP crying*

INFP: *calms down a little*

ENTP: Hey, I got an idea! What if we plot to get revenge!

INFP: wouldn't that make me just as bad as him?

ENTP: It'll just be a prank. What if we put a rake on his lawn. And once he steps on it, it'll hit his head!

INFP: no painful pranks ENTP!

ENTP: okay fine, what if we go to his backyard and put toilet paper all around his back yard. Or maybe rubber bands! Or both!

INFP: okay.. let's do it!

ENTP and INFP: *both evilly grin as ESTJ stumbles upon rubber bands and toilet paper all over his backyard lawn!*

ESTJ: *steps on a rake*

INFP: ENTP! I told you not to do that one!

ENTP: Come on, admit it! It felt good.

INFP: *folds arms condescendingly*

ENTP: Look, I just wanted to harm him a little bit. You can't say he doesn't deserve it! I needed to spice up the revenge a little bit!

INFP: when we get home! We're going to have a talk about ethics.

ENTP: *chaotically apologizing*

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