chapter 2

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YN waken up from his alarm clock he turned it off and got up to get ready for school he got up from bed and got some clothes and took a shower and brush his teeth then made breakfast before he went to leave he grab a necklace a locket he open it that have two pictures of him when he was born and his mother he remember he gotten this locket on his birthday


11 year old YN runs to his moms room and he jump on her as she wakes up and started tickling him as he laughed she then kissed his forehead

Esme: happy birthday

YN: thanks mommy

Esme: you want your present right now or later

YN: can I have it now please

Esme nodded and ruffles his hair she grabbed a tiny box as YN sets on her lap with her arms around him YN opened the gift and sees a locket and opens the locket to sees him when he was born and his mom Esme take it from him and puts it around his neck and kiss his head

Emse: YN I love you so much you will always remember that correct

YN: yes mommy I love you a lot too

Emse: good I love to hear that my baby boy

Flashback end

YN starts tearing up and holds the locket tightly he always wears this necklace because it was the only gift he gotten from his mother and never wants to forget about her he always puts it under his shirt because he didn't want it to getting ruined YN goes to the garage and gotten in his car and starts driving to school

While the drive was peacefully YN remember the day when he gotten his Kamen Rider powers and the first thing he wanted to do was to kill Charles to get revenge and avenge his mother


YN is walking back to Charles house but with a look of a killer he walk in the house and a light was turned on and YN sees Charles seating down on the couch while holding a beer YN is not afraid of him not anymore Charles gets up and slaps YN

Charles: it's 12 in the fucking morning I told you be home 10 not two later

YN didn't say anything and that mad Charles mad he grab him by the collar of the shirt

Charles: don't ignore me when I'm talking to you little shit you are just like your mother I'm glad she dead so I can beat you

That made YN pissed he grab Charles hand and Twisted it making go in pain and YN kicked him out of the window as YN jumped out

YN: don't talk about my mother I'm not the piece of shit you are you don't care about anything you only care about yourself you drove my mother to her death and now it's time to die

YN pulled something out of his pocket and reveals the deck

YN pulled something out of his pocket and reveals the deck

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