chapter 4

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It's finally the weekend which means YN will the entire cullens family he'll meet their adopted parents YN looks at the time to sees its two a clock they'll be here at 2:30 which that is 30 minutes so YN took a shower and brush his teeth then he ate a sandwich since this cabin he's living in is really small and was cheap the the bills were not that expensive he starts watching TV to kill time and put on a football game he really wasn't much of a sports fan but there was nothing on but then he starts thinking about his life about the day he could saved his mother from killing herself


11 year old YN is in his room on the ground drawing a picture with coloring crayons of him and his mother as stick figures in front of house as a happy family he hated Charles so he doesn't need a father all he needs is just his mother that's when he heard coming from downstairs so he investigated and he goes downstairs and he sees his mother and Charles arguing

Charles: I told you Esme you're not feeding him

Esme: Charles i can't just let my son starve if he doesn't eat he can get sick

Charles: i don't care about his health I don't care if he gets sick or dies he's not eating

Esme had a enough and turned around to face Charles

Esme: you what know Charles you are nothing but a piece of shit you care about nothing you only care about yourself you don't understand that I raised YN on my own maybe because you want him to eat because YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF A CHILD

Charles slaps Esme making her fall to the ground


Charles then starts beating Esme as YN watching in fear and tears are going down his face he runs back to his room and locks the door the lay on his bed and cover his ears trying to not listen to his mother crys and then they stop meaning Charles stop but that when a kick hit YN door

Charles: I know you're in there you little shit

Charles kept kicking the door YN knows something that'll stop this beating he runs to his closet and move a box to reveal a hole just big enough for a hand to reach their he racist hand inside and grab something to reveal a small black box he open it and it reveal a gun that YN stole he thought he'll never use this but this is the time he's got used it to put an end of this beating

Hr grab the gun and puts the clip in and opened the door and quickly aims the gun at Charles as he was in fear of once as Esme walk in and sees her holding a gun

Esme: YN where did you get that put that gun down

Charles: yeah put that gun down boy

YN: no I won't put it down because you deserve to die when you were in the war i was hoping you would die

Esme: YN put that gun down RIGHT NOW

YN was in shock that his mother yelled at him she's had never yelled at him he wanted to kill Charles right now but his mother will think he's a killer so he drop the gun and starts crying as Charles pick up the gun

Charles: I knew you didn't have the balls to the pull the trigger

Charles walk out of the room as YN runs to his mother saying that he's sorry

Flashback end

YN starts crying because he could have killed Charles right there and his mother would still be a alive right now but he was too weak to do it he wipes his eyes and holds his locket

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