chapter 5

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Over the time YN moved in the with the cullens he was happy that he is with his mother again he was great friends with his adopted siblings but he was not okay with Carlisle he doesn't trust him and he married his mom which he hated him more and his mother would tell to accept him as a father to him but YN always decline that he does not need father and another thing he got a weird feeling to Rosalie and Alice they are good friends but YN see that they are more then friends or brother and sister and he finally sees that he's got a crush on both of them

Right now it's the weekend meaning no school YN woke from his alarm clock he turned it off and got up to get ready for the day he's got nothing to do so he'll just stay at home he got dressed putting on his standard all black clothing

Then he got the smell of breakfast being made he knew it's his mother making him breakfast when joined the cullens they had to buy food since he is the only one that needs to eat he

He goes downstairs and sees everyone just doing their owns things

Emmett: morning YN

YN: morning Emmett

Esme: breakfast is almost done YN

YN: good because I am starving and you got the best cooking mom

YN seats down at the table as Esme finish making him his breakfast as she placed his plate on table and starts to eat

YN: you know what do you guys ever miss food

Jasper: not really we got used of not eating in a few months of this life

YN: but food taste good

YN took a bite of toast

Edward: hey YN what did you do after you became Ryuga and killed Charles

YN: after I killed and became Ryuga I've been going around the world going to city to city country to country basically I've been exploring entire world

YN took a sip of orange juice

Esme: YN I'm sorry for leaving you i was stupid of leaving you with him I should took you and we could have left

YN: it's fine mom I forgive you you didn't kill yourself it was that man who made you kill yourself and I killed him

Carlisle: YN you need to be careful of that power if the volturi knew about you and the Kamen Riders there will be war so just make sure no-

YN: Carlisle stop you're not my father

Esme: YN I know you are mad of me getting remarried but Carlisle is not like Charles he loves me and he loves you he'll be a good father for you

YN: I don't need a father mother I just need you I never knew my birth father because he left before I was even born then you got married to an abusive man that made you kill yourself and treated me like shit

YN finish his breakfast and clean this plate


Later on some of the cullens went hunting YN is in the living room watching some TV he was getting bored so he saw the piano and decide to play it he went over to the piano then starts to play

After YN finish his song be heard clapping and saw Edward

Edward: that was good YN

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