chapter 3

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The cullens are heading back to the house after school was done and after they had a encounter with YN they know something is different about him he looks just like Esme he got her hair her human eye color and her smile and his last name was Platt that Esme last name before she married Carlisle and YN said he never knew his father and that he had a asshole stepfather they remember Esme told them her human life she had abusive husband and she had a son

Right now they headed back home and went inside and go to the living room to sees Carlisle and Emse taking as they see them walk inside the living room

Esme: hey kids how was school

Sarah: it was good

Edythe: but there is something we have to tell you and Carlisle

Carlisle: what is it

Everyone seat down on the couches

Edward: today we met someone named YN Platt

Esme was in shock that was her last name when she was born in 1895

Emmett: plus he looks just like you Emse

Alice: he got your hair your human eye color and your smile

Rosalie: he did say he had a stepfather was a complete ass

Esme thought of that she had a abusive husband named Charles and she had a son when she was just 17 she stayed with her parents during her pregnancy and after her child was born her parents try to give him up and when she found out about that she moved out then she met Charles and she married him and thought things would be normal but Charles was abusive man he would beat her and her child for no reason soon after she couldn't take the abuse no more and she attempted to commit suicide but she survived and she met Carlisle and married him

Carlisle: is there a chance we could meet him

Alice: we could try since he go to our school

Carlisle: well then I want you all to have an agreement for us to meet him

They all nodded


YN got out of his car and goes inside the school he went to his locker to grab a few things for his classes for today and put them in his backpack and he made good friends with the cullens but YN knew something was different about them he never saw them eat or drink and he even Jasper looks like he's in pain all the time and he'll find out eventually

???: hey YN

YN looks at his right and sees and the cullens there

YN: oh hey guys

Emmett: so ready for another day of hell

Sarah: Emmett it's only the second day

YN: yeah I am but we'll all go through this

Rosalie: YN was that your car

YN: yeah I build it on my own it's wasn't easy about took me a month but I finish it in a few weeks

Edythe: oh looks like someone is like you Rosalie

YN: huh

Alice: Rosalie is into cars she likes on cars

YN: oh hey Rose maybe we could make a car one with both of us we'll finish in no time

Rosalie: yeah I would love to

Jasper: anyway hey YN we were wondering if you would want to meet our adopted parents

YN: hmm sure I live in a small cabin in the woods when should we meet

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