chapter 6

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It been over two years since YN joined the cullens and he is now dating Alice and Rosalie and also a senior in high school now he's okay with everyone except for Carlisle and Esme gave up of trying to convince YN of accept Carlisle as his father which YN is happy about with his mother given up of trying to convince him of accepting Carlisle as his father

YN then woke up from his alarm clock he turned it off and got up as he felt arms around him as he sees Alice

Alice: morning handsome

YN: morning beautiful

They kissed

???: where's my kiss

YN and Alice stop their kiss as he sees Rosalie

YN: oh I didn't forget about you

YN and Rosalie kissed

Alice: come on Esme made you breakfast

YN: good

YN got up from his bed and put on his standard all black clothing Then he went downstairs and sees everyone getting ready

Edythe: morning YN

YN: morning Edythe

Emmett: sleep well

YN: yep I slept like a baby

Esme: breakfast is done YN

YN then ate his breakfast as he finished his breakfast he grab his backpack before Esme hug him and kiss his cheek

Esme: have a good day at school

YN: I will

YN went to the garage and got in his car and puts the keys in as the car turned on Alice is next to him in the passenger seat as Rosalie is in the backseat behind him YN starts driving as he followed Edward car then they stop at red light as YN sees Alice as she is frozen meaning she got a vision

YN: Alice what did you sees

Alice: a new girl is coming to town and she's Edward mate

YN was surprised that Edward will have he's mate like finally Edward been alone for a long time soon they got to school as they go through the day


In the school cafeteria a girl name Isabella Swan or Bella she prefers is seating down at a table with two girls name Jessica and Angela then she's sees people walking in the cafeteria as she was curious

Bella: who are they

Angela: the cullens

Jessica: they are Dr and Mrs cullen foster kids they moved down here from Alaska like two years

Angela: they kind of keep themselves

Jessica: yeah cause they'll all together like together together

Bella sees them walk in tbe cafeteria and they started going to a table in the back

Jessica: the brown hair girl that Edythe and the big dark haired guy Emmett they're like a thing I'm not even sure that's legal

Angela: Jess they're not like actually related

Jessica: yeah but they live together that weird

Bella sees more of the cullens walk in the cafeteria and join Emmett and Edythe

Jessica: the black hair girl that Sarah she's really childless and she's with Jasper the one who looks like he's in pain

Bella then sees a guy with brown hair and green and two girls a blonde haired girl and a girl with Pixie hair

Jessica: next is YN the one with brown hair and the little dark haired girl Alice she's really weird and the blonde girl is Rosalie and she's a bitch and all of them are together which is werid and the funny thing he's the only one blood related he's Mrs cullen son

Bella: okay

Then Bella sees another guy walk in

Bella: who's he

Jessica: that's Edward cullen he's totally gorgeous but apparently nobody here is good enough for him like I care so don't waste your time

Bella: wasn't planning on it

YN sees the new girl looking over at Edward and sees Edward looking confused

YN: hey Edward what's wrong

Edward: I can't read her mind

YN: the new girl

Edward: yeah I can't read her mind which is confusing well I know I can't read yours but I can everyone else but her

Edythe: yeah me to i can't read her mind either

YN: she's probably a shield

Soon the bell ring lunch is over they all got up as YN throw away his empty tray of food as the cullens throw away they're barely touch food and continue to school day

YN is in biology class with Alice and then he sees the new girl walk in and she pass a fan as Edward smells her scent YN saw him covered his nose she must got a good smell then class starts YN sees Edward looking at Bella which is werid the the bell ring school is over Edward ran out of classroom


YN walks upstairs and to go talk to Edward to ask him what's wrong he goes to his room and sees Edward packing up for some reason

YN: hey Edward what are you doing

Edward: going out of town for a couple days YN

YN: because of the new girl

Edward: yeah she's my blood singer so I'm leaving to Alaska to stay with the Denali

YN: okay and be careful around Tanya cause I know she's some obsession with you Edward of what you told me

Edward: don't worry I will

YN: tell them i said hi

Edward nodded and he's leave to Alaska and starts thinking that the new girl will be troubled

To be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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