Chapter two, Spirits and a new life

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*One day after last chapter*

The trio where still traveling through the ocean as they where trying to understand their new ability's, after all they know what they have, but they don't know how to use them.

But as they were trying to get a grasp of their powers they saw a fishing boat heading towards them, Rosaline who learned how to twist the desires of living creatures by using fish and other marine life had the idea of using her power to take over the minds of the people on the boat, their mother objected saying that it may fry there mind. But Rosaline said she wouldn't reach to deep into there mind where she would turn them into a slave. She would simply alter there thoughts and make them take them to the nearest city. That way they can come up with a plan as they headed there, because they had to come to the point that they had no idea on where the hell they where. They where on earth thanks to there mother having the connection to the Indian Ocean but still they didn't even know if Japan existed in this world so by doing this at least they'll be able to get to civilization.

With such a strong argument and also coupled with the fact that they had no idea what they where going their mother begrudgingly agreed.

As the ship got closer they used their insane levels of speed to appear on the boat, the crew not prepared to see theses strange and quite frankly supernatural beings freaked the hell out, but Rosaline quickly sprung into action.

"Be at ease humans." Her voice was so soft and gentle, like a siren luring their prey they where lowed into a trance. "We only desire that you take us to the nearest city and your desires shall become true~."

Her hand was extended out towards the crew, the two who watched could have sworn they saw strings wrapped around her fingers as they where attached to the limbs of the sailers, it was like watching a marionette control there puppet by pulling the strings to make them move.

"As you wish madam." Spoke the caption who fell completely under her spell.

He began to steer the boat in a different direction, they assumed that they where heading towards the city and got ready for the long trip.

"Soooo what do you to think?" Asked the daughter of Luna "pretty badass right" she used her hand and slicked it through her extremely soft hair as she smirked proudly.

"Ya sweety it was awesome but there will be limits on who you can use that on."

"What mom! Come on!"

"It's best if that's the way things be" she looked over at her brother who was looking out at the open ocean "your power if great, being able to manipulate the heart, mind, soul and desires of a being is very powerful but it can also draw attention to us, remember we don't now where alpha sent us. All we now is that this world may resemble earth but gods and goddesses could walk the surface like in the age of gods, if that's the case laying low and mastering our ability's take priority, once we are able to use our powers to there maximum then that's when we should consider making massive moves."

"Ya you're right"....... "Wait Goetia has solomon's clairvoyance can't you just use that to see the past and the future of this world?"

"That's such a great idea sis, it's not like I consider using that. Because you now if I could, don't you think I would have already!"

"Alright alright calm down, don't get your demons gods in a twist it was just a suggestion." She paused as she and him had a good laugh. "Tho when you can use his Clairvoyance you better tell me if I win the lottery."

"Please your better off finding a boyfriend or girlfriend that actually appreciate you.... Speaking of which sis what are you attracted to? Are you into girls or boys?"

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