Kate Argent

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Me and Allison woke up from my dad walking down the stairs with his keys and bag
"Dad?" I says sleepy
"What's going on?" Allison asked
"Your Aunt Kate texted me I'm heading out to pick her up" He says looking up at us
"It's two-oclock in the morning is everything ok?" I asked worried
"Yeah yeah she is just have a little bit of car trouble"
"It's not serious is it?" Allison asked
"No just a flat tire go back to bed girls ill be back soon" he says walking out the door I turn around and walk into my room ploping on my bed and drifting off to sleep. Me and Allison wake up to my dad walking out of the guest bed room and ran towards it we see out Aunt Kate and scream running up to her and hugging her
"I don't see you guys for a year and you turn into freaking run way models" me and Allison laugh
"Like look at you two ugh I hate you" she says hitting our shoulders
"I haven't even showered yet" Allison says
"Sweetie your a knock out I hope you guys have the boys knocking eachothers teeth out for you attention" she says looking at us
"Allison has one" I say hitting Allison
"One you should have a million" she says looking at Allison "and what about you" she asked looking at me
"What me no" I say with a fake smile then hear my phone ring
"What does she mean no?" She asks Allison walking over to my room
"She thinks she doesn't but I think Stiles has a crush on her for sure" she whispers standing at the door way I pick up my phone and see the name Stiles pop up and answer it
"Oh hey Stiles" Allison smiles at the name
"Hey I just wanted to know how you were" he says over the phone
"I'm fine my aunt just got here"
"Nice I uh wanted to know if you wanted to hang out you know after school?" He asked
"Yeah Allison is kicking me out of the house anyways" I say rolling my eyes at Allison who was smiling
"Cool you wanna just hangout after school?"
"Yeah I would love that but I uh gotta go get dressed see yea"
"Bye" he says hanging up I walk toward Kate and Allison
"I hate you" I say walking past them to go into the guest "Hey want help unpacking" I say reaching for a black bag
"No not that one" she say grabbing my arm tightly she looks at me then my hand and let's go I grab my wrist and look at her
"See you guys turn out beautiful and I end up with this kung-fu death grip sorry sweetie I didn't mean to be rough" she apologizes
"No worries" I say still holding my hand
"Hey is everything ok with your car" Allison asked putting her hand on my shoulder
"Oh yeah I just needed a jump start that's all" me and Allison looked at eachother
"A Jump start?" We say at the same time looking at eachother.

In the hallway

"So Scott's coming over tonight?" Lydia asked Allison while we were walking up the stairs
"Were just studying together" she says I laugh at the words
"Just studying never ends with studying" I say laughing still
"It's like getting into a hot tub somebody eventually cops a feel" Lydia tells Allison who looked at her anxiously
"Well so what are you saying" she asked
"I'm just saying...you know... make sure he covers up" I laugh at those words and look at Allison who looked confused
"Hello snow white" she says
"She means a condom dummy" I say she looks at us surprised
"Are you kidding after one date" she says gripping her books
"Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste" Lydia says and I cringe a little
"Well I mean... how much is a little taste?" she asked
"Oh God! You really like him don't you?" She asked
"Well" she says "He's just different. When we first moved here, I had a plan-- no boyfriends 'til college. We just move too much." She says "But... then, I met him, and... he was different. I-I don't know. I can't explain it." She looks at me and Lydia with the look of she needs help
"I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine."
"What?" We both say at the same time
"I'll tell you what to do when is he coming over?" She asked
"Right after school" Allison says
"Hmm" she says then the bell rings

In the parking lot of the school

I stand there looking for Stiles he runs out of the school
"Hey sorry" he says catching his breath
"It's ok" I laugh walking with him, we get in his jeep and start to drive away when he slams on the breaks I look up and see Derek the guy who drove me home from the other night "Oh my god" me and Stiles say at the same time, Scott dropped his bike saying
"Oh no no no not here" he rushes over
"You have got to be kidding me this guy is everywhere" I look at Stiles then out the window to Scott
"What the hell" Scott says before rushing to Derek, Stiles opens his door and gets out
"Addison stay here" I look at him
"What no we just hit someone Stiles... I thought you said you weren't friends with him" I say crossing my arms
"I'm not just stay here" I look away saying
"Oh my god!" He run infront of the jeep I can't hear a word they said until
"Dude he's not looking to good" Stiles says to Scott, all of a sudden I see Derek and Scott standing up
"Help me get him in your car" scott tell Stiles
"What no addisons in there" Stiles says I roll my eyes and hop out of the car Stiles walks over to me
"What are you doing?"
"He is clearly hurt Stiles bring him were ever you need to" I say walking away Stiles glares at Scott and gets in the car.

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