I Was Scared

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I stand up whipping away my tears and walk to my desk were my present was I sigh and open it, it was a necklace of a wolf howling I smile and put it on along with the rest of my outfit and walk out of my room
"Act natural" I whisper to myself "Hey guys" I say with a fake smile
"Hey" they say
"Ready to go?" I ask Allison

At the school

I was standing at my locker taking my books out of my bag when I opened it balloons fly everywhere and Stiles walks over
"Lydia" I whisper picking up the card
"It's your birthday?" Stiles asked walking over
"No I mean yes" I stumble on my words
"Well happy birthday" he smiles
"Thanks" I frown
"You okay?" He asked worried
"Huh oh yeah just headache" I lie
"You know your a horrible lier" Stiles says
"I'm fine I swear" I lie again
"Addison if this is about last night you can talk to me" he says touching my shoulder gently I sigh and look up at him
"I can't stop thinking about that thing in the video store" I say looking down
"I was so scared and I just" before I could finish Stiles hugs me
"It's ok I'm here" he says I hug him tight till the bell rang "come on we should get to class" he says grabbing my hip
"Yeah" I say walking with stiles
"Just a friendly reminder - Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self - disgust should be more than enough punishment. Has anyone seen Scott Mccall?" Mr Harris says walking into the class room he spots me sitting next to stiles "Miss argent if you need to leave for any reason let me know"
"I'm fine" Stiles looked at me then Mr Harris
"Okay" he walks away "Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." He says not looking at Stiles. Stiles spits out the cap and catches it he leans forward a little bit to talk to Danny
"Hey Danny can I ask you a question?" He asked Danny
"No" Danny whispers
"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" I hear Stiles ask I look at him then Danny
"No" Danny says
"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles asked
"The answer is still no" Danny looks down
"Does anyone else know what happened to them last night?"
"Jackson wouldn't tell me" Danny says I look over at Jackson who was sweating
But he's your best friend. One more question."
"Do you find me attractive?" Danny doesn't answer he looks back at me I laugh, Stiles leans forward more in his chair but falls off it I laugh then look away quickly before he notices he smiles a little smile then sits back in his chair. The bell rings and Stiles calls Scott and puts it on speaker
"What?" Scott asked over the phone
"Finally! Have you gotten any of my texts" Stiles asked
"Yeah like all 9 million of them" Scott exaggerates
"Do you have any idea what's going on? Lydia is totally M.I.A., Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it." Stiles says loudly in the phone
"Like what?" Scott asked
"Somthing" he yells I put my arm on his shoulder because everyone was looking at us
"Ok I'll deal with it later left leftleft left left" we hear Scott yell then he hung up the phone, Me and Stiles deside to go visit Lydia
"Honey there's a Addison and Stiles here to see you" Mrs Martin says
"What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia asked
"She took a little something to ease her nerves. You can - you can go in."
"Thanks" Stiles says
"Thanks Mrs Martin" I say closing the door
"What are you doing here?" Lydia asked
"We wanted to check on you make sure you were ok" he replied
"Why" she said laying her head down
"Because we wanted to make sure you were ok how are you feeling today?" He asked
"I feel fantastic" she says Stiles looks at her night stand and sees a bottle
"Oh. What - I bet you can't say, uh, "I saw Suzy sittin' in a shoeshine shop" ten times fast." Stiles says I look at him confused
"I saw Shuzy - I shaw - I saw -" Lydia started to say then she went blank
"What? Lydia, what did you see?" Stiles asked
"Something." Lydia says blankly
"Something like - Like a mountain lion?" I asked Lydia
"A mountain lion." She says
"Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?" Stiles asked
"A mountain lion. " She repeated
What's this?" Stiles asked hold up a garraffe stuffed animal
"A mountain lion." She repeated
"Okay. You're so drunk." He says
"Well, we're gonna - go. Uh, I'll let you get back to the whole post - traumatic stress thing." Stiles says grabbing my arm
"Mm stay" Lydia says to stiles he turns around
"Me stay you want me to stay?" Stiles asked I rolled my eyes he ran up and sat next to her she started rubbing his shoulder and I glared
"Yes stay please Stay please Jackson" I look at them and Stiles sighs
"And were done here" he says he looks at Lydia's phone that buzzed "You want me to get that?" He asked Lydia who was passed out "it's a text.. I don't know how to" he stopped talking while looking at Lydia his face went blank after looking back at the phone
"What?" I say walking over he hides the phone in his chest
"Nothing" he says standing up "Come on let's go" he grabs my hand and pulls me out of lydias room

At Home

"Addison ready to go" my dad calls from down stairs
"Yeah" we make it to the school waiting for Allison
"Allison and Addison Argent. Both incredibly sweet girls. And quick to adjust, despite all the moving around." Our teacher says I smile and look down
"We know it's hard on them, but, uh, it's a necessary evil" My dad says looking at me
"Necessary or not.. I'd be prepared for some... how do I put this?" My teacher starts to say
"Rebelliousness?" My dad says looking at my mom then my teacher
"We appreciate the concern, but we have a great relationship with our daughters. Very open and honest." My mom says putting her hand on my leg
And smiling
"I'm happy to hear that. Oh and let Allison know I hope she feels better" My teacher says I look at her
"Oh she wasn't in class?" My dad asked I look at her and my eyes widen
"Oh she wasn't in school I checked with the office" I look at my dad then looked down, we walked out of the school my mom and dad both on there phones
"Allison, answering your cell phone will make discussing the terms of your grounding much easier. Well, call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions." My dad says to Allison's voice-mail
"Kate hasn't herd from her either" my mom says
"Addison when was the last time you saw her" I look up
"I already told you when we left for school" I say I look over to Scott's mother walking to us
"Excuse me, you're not Allison's parents, are you? I'm Scott's mom, and I hate to say it, but he's not answering his phone either." She says
"Your his mother" my dad says with an attitude
"Funny how you say that like it's an accusation" she says look my dad up and down
"Well, I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride, since he basically kidnapped my daughter today." I laugh
"I'm sorry he is just joking" she ignores me
"How do we know skipping school wasn't your daughter's idea?" She asked I see Allison and Scott get put of the car and sigh walking down the stairs
"My daughter... is right there let's go: my dad says walking down the steps
"And were actually have you been" Melissa asked Scott
"Nowhere mom" Scott says
"Nowhere meaning not at school"
"Kinda" Scott looks down
"Look it wasn't his fault it's my birthday and we were" Allison stops talking after hearing screaming me my dad and Allison got separated i ran into Mr Stilinski
"Addison..." he says grabbing me as I was freaking out
"What's happening?" I asked not being able to breath
"It's ok go find you dad" he says a car started backing into him
"Mr Stilinski!" I yell running up to him as he fell to the floor
"I'm alright I'm ok" he says I grab him helping him up we hear two gun shots and turn toward it I see my dad with a gun and a mountain lion on the ground I stand there in shock.

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