Why Not?

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Outside the school

I got to the dance alone and I see Stiles letting Lydia out of his jeep I sigh and get out of the car I look up to keep me distracted and see Scott on top of the roof
"Ha anything for love" I say laughing at him


"Hey Scott" I say sitting on the bleachers where he was hiding
"Addison why aren't you dancing?" Scott asked
"Well it's not fun when you don't have a date" I say looking at Stiles and Lydia sitting down
"Wait Stiles didn't ask you?" Scott said inlook at him confused
"What do you mean Lydia went with him" I looked at Stiles who was now dancing with Lydia
"He said he wanted to ask you" I looked at Scott and smiled "Go dance with him" Scott said
"I don't know hes with Lydia" I say looking down
"Mccall! I see you! Come here, buddy. Come here." Coach yelled to Scott
"Gotta run" Scott said I laugh
"Mccall! Get outta my way! Mccall! It's a small gym, buddy. I'm gonna find you. I gotcha, Mccall! Come here, come here! Get outta my way! Mccall!" Coach yelled on his way to get Scott I walked down the bleachers and stood next to Allison Lydia and Stiles
"Someone could be falling in love with your smile" I whisper Stiles looks at me
"Mccall! You're not supposed to - What the hell are you do - What the hell are you doing?" Scott looks at Danny and Scott confused
"Yes coach" Scott says acting confused
"Okay, ho - ho - ho - ha ha. Hold on, you - I was just saying he's not supposed to - I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't - You guys don't think - You don't - I - I was - Just dance, everybody. Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" Coach yells
"Addison" Stiles says walking up to me
"Hey" I smile
"Wanna dance?" He asked putting his hand out
"Why not?" I say grabbing his hand we went on the dance floor "Why aren't you with Lydia?" I asked
"She went looking for Jackson" he says
"Sorry" I apologize
"Don't be I got to dance with you so I guess I won anyways" I smile as he spins me
"So why did you come alone?" Stiles asked me
"Because the person I wanted to come with came with someone else" I said
"Oh well that guys an idiot for not choosing you" Stiles says I smile
"Yeah you are an idiot" I say putting my head on his shoulder
"Okay yeah maybe I am but I'm glad that I ended up with you anyways" he says kissing my cheek I smile and blush a little
"I'm glad you did to" I smile Jackson came running over to us
"Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you?" Stiles asked I looked between them "what what's wrong?" Stiles asked
"I - I was out behind the school, and I - I was - out -" I looked at him
"What happened Jackson? What did you do?" Stiles said blank faced Jackson tells us what happend and I ran towards the football field
"LYDIA RUN!" Me and stiles yell me and Stiles make it to Lydia who fell to the ground covered in blood
"Don't kill her please" Stiles says
"Lydia Oh my god" I kneeled next to her but the random man from the mall moved forward
"Addison get back" Stiles said grabbing be shoulders
"Tell me were to find Derek hale and I'll let the two girls you love go" I look at Stiles
"W-what?" Stiles says
"Tell me were to find Derek hale"
"I don't know that how would I know that?" Stiles asked
"Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth - Or I will rip her apart." Peter says pointing at me stiles rapped his arms around me
"Look - Look, I don't know, okay? I sw - I swear to god, I have no idea." Stiles said a little bit scared
"Tell me!" Peter yelled
"Okay, okay, okay, look, I - I think he knew -" Stiles said rapping his arms around me tighter
"Knew what?" Peter asked Stiles looked at me
"I'll tell you if Addison and Lydia can leave" Stiles says hugging me tightly Peter lifted Lydia and handed her to me I look at Stiles and he shook his head yes and I ran.

By the busses
"Help someone help me please" I scream I look over at the busses and see Allison fall into my dad's arms "DAD!" I yell Allison and my dad stand up
"Addison" they ran over to me and I dropped to the ground with Lydia
"Stiles he's with he with one of them" I say freaking out
"One of what?" My dad asked acting clueless
"You know what a werewolf" my dad looked between me and Allison
"Yeah we know" I say "now help me get her to the hospital" I say.

At Home

Me and Allison were sitting in my room with mom
"I'm not sure how long you'll be. You want me to pick out anything specific? Sweetheart?" My mom looked at me and Allison "girls?" My mom said
"I just saw my boyfriend turn into a werewolf" Allison says I look at Allison then my mom
"I just saw my bestfriend covered in blood and my crush get taken by a werewolf alpha no I'm not okay!" I say loudly Allison phone started to ring me and Allison stood up and reached for it but my mom got it first
"Was it scott?" Allison asked
"No somebody named jackson" my mom says
"What are you going to do to him?" I asked my mom
"That depends. We have a sort of moral code we follow. Especially when they're that young." My mom says putting my cloths in a bag
"I want to know now right now" Allison says to my mom
"What you want right now doesn't matter. What you need is to stay quiet. You're catching a glimpse of something you are not quite ready to see, and there are others outside of this family who are not ready for you to see it. Staying quiet is the best protection. Do you guys understand?" My mom asked and we shook our heads yes "Say it!" She yells
"I understand" me and Allison say
"That's my girls" she says.

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