he didnt take it i did

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I sit on the bench in the front of the school and see Stiles drive away with Derek in the passenger seat I sigh and take out my phone
"Hey dad" I say
"Hey Addi what's up?" He asked in the car
"I was wondering if you could come pick me up from the school" I say looking down
"I thought you were going to a friend's house"
"I was but then he had an emergency so I am now stranded at the school" I sigh looking up then back down
"We will be there in a minute" he says then hangs up, I look at my phone messing with it when I see someone walk up
"Hey" Jackson says sitting next to me
"Hey" I look up at his as he is rubbing his neck "you ok" I asked looking at him
"Huh oh yeah my neck hurts that's all" We sit there for a while "so uh why are you here?" I look over at him
"Oh uh I was supposed to hangout with stiles but one of his friends Derek he uh he was hurt or something so he took him home" I look over at the entrance to the school parking lot and see my dad pull up "and that's my dad I have to go" I say standing up
"See you around Addison" I look back
"See ya around" I say before getting into the back seat of my dad's car "where are we going?" I asked
"To the store" my dad says. We went to the store got the stuff we needed before heading home when we got home we started to bring the grocerys in the house my dad went in with one grocery bag but didn't come back out
"Hey Chris get out here and help us with the grocerys" I laugh at my aunt and grab a bag
"Be right there" he yells from the grage. After bringing in the grocerys we all stood outside
"So you still want to study?" Scott asked I laugh at his words
"I think she will concentrate better on her own" my dad says
"See you later then" Scott says
"At school" my dad insists
"Right" I laugh then look down a little Scott and Allison start walking to eachother but my dad stops them
"Uh uh you on your bike you inside" he says
"Oh, come on, Chris! Really? They were making out in the garage, not shooting amateur porn!" I laugh loudly and they all look at me
"Sorry" I say trying to hold back a smile
"You with the adorable brown eyes your staying for dinner" my smile fades as I realize what happend
"You eat meat" my dad says
"You don't mind" Scott asked me and Allison looked at eachother
"Actually, no. Gives us a chance to get to know each other." I roll my eyes and walk inside
"Would you like somthing to drink besides water Scott" my mom asked
"Uh no thank you" he says
"We can get you some beer?" My dad says I glare at him then look at Scott
"No...thanks?" He replied
"Shot of tequila"
"Dad seriously" I say rolling my eyes
"You don't drink Scott?" My dad asked ignoring my glare
"I'm not old enough to" he replies
"That doesn't stop most teenagers" my mom says
"No but it should" he says and I smile
"Good answer. Total lie, but well played, Scott. You may yet survive the night." My aunt chuckled
"You ever smoke pot?" My dad asked making my choke on my water
"Okay, changing the channel to something a little less conservative. So, Scott, uh, Allison tells us you're on the lacrosse team. I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that. How do you play?" My aunt says breaking the tension
"Um, well, you know hockey? It's a lot like that, only, um, played on grass instead of ice." Scott explains and I smile
"Hockey on grass is called field hockey." My dad say I snap my head at him
"Oh yeah" Scott says awkwardly
"So, it's a lot like field hockey, except the sticks have nets." Allison explains
"Exactly" Scott sighs in relief
"And can you slap-check like in hockey?" Aunt Kate asked
"Um, yeah. But it's only the, uh, gloves and the sticks."
"Sounds violent. I like it" I look over at my aunt Kate and smile
"Scott's amazing, too. Dad came with me to the first game." Allison says hitting his shoulder "Wasn't he good?" Allison asked our dad
"He was fine." He replied I roll my eyes and look at him
"He scored the last shot-- the winning shot." Allison says ignoring my dad
"True, but he didn't score at all until the last few minutes." My dad says to Kate
"His last shot ripped a hole through the goalie's net. It was incredible." Allison says Ignoring my dad again
"Well, I think the goalie was probably playing with a defective stick, so..." I drop my fork on my plat and everyone looks at me
"Really dad" I say getting up "very mature" I push in my chair and walk up to my room they all look as I'm walking away and Scott stands up
"I'm just going to check on her" he says walking out the kitchen
"Hey" he says leaning on the door frame
"Hey sorry about my dad" I say looking down at my hands
"Oh don't worry about it how about you come back downstairs and finish eating ill be fine" I look up at him and smile I roll my eyes before standing up we walked back down stair and Scott sits down "You know, on second thought, um... I think I'll take that shot of tequila." We all look at him me Allison and kate smiling
"Your kidding right?" My dad says
"Yeah of course" he says and me and Allison laugh Scott phone rings and he stands up "sorry I need to take this" he says walking into the hall way,

"Hey, um, I should get going...Um, thanks for dinner." Scott says turning to leave
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no! You have to stay for dessert. I wanna know more about you. Sit down." Kate pushes him to sit down
"Okay..." Scott says nervously
"Allison was just telling us that you work for a veterinarian."
"I told them how you put the cast on the dog I hit." Allison says
"Yeah..." Scott says
"What does your boss think of the animal attacks? Any theories?"My dad asked
"Everyone was just saying it's a mountain lion." Scott replied
"It'd have to be a pretty large mountain lion..." Kate laughs
"What do you think, Scott?" My mom asked
"I don't know... We usually get cats and dogs at the vet. Nothing that vicious." Scott said nervously
"Never had to deal with a rabid dog?" My dad asked Scott "Oh, I grew up with a lot of dogs. I saw one get rabies from a bat. It was transferred through the bite. You know, people think that a rabid dog suddenly goes mad. It's a lot more gradual. First stage is subtle changes in behavior-- they're restless, morose. It's the second stage that people know-- the furious phase. That's when they attack. And we're talking any moving object." My dad says looking at us "Did you know that a caged rabid dog will break its own teeth trying to chew through the bars? It'll even rear back and snap its own spine. Can you imagine the amount of force it would take to do that? It's a complete character reversal. This harmless animal... turned into a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with that one bite." My dad says looking at me Scott and Allison
"But it died, didn't it?" Allison asked
"Yes, because your grandfather shot it." My mom answered
"Because he wanted to put it out of its misery?" I asked
"Because it was too dangerous. Something that out of control is better off dead." My dad says, we finish dinner and Allison walks Scott out
"Im so incredibly sorry..." Allison apologies
"For what?" Scott asked
"For that being the worst, most horribly awkward dinner ever in the history of horribly awkward dinners." Allison says
"No, uh... it wasn't the worst. There was this one dinner where my parents told me they were getting a divorce. This comes in at a close second." Allison walks closer to kiss Scott
"...Your dad's watching." He says
"Good." Allison kisses Scott then pulls away smiling
"Wait a second, guys--" Kate says walking over to them
"What is it?" Allison asked
"Uh, I have to ask Scott something..." Kate looks at Scott
"Me?" Scott asked
"Yeah, you." Kate says
"Okay..." Scott hesitates
"Uh... what'd you take from my bag?" Kate questioned
"What?" Scott says alarmed
"My bag. What'd you take from it? Do you need me to repeat the question? Maybe enunciate more clearly?" Kate asked
"What are you talking about?" Me and my dad asked walking up to them
"My bag was open in the guest room, and when I left it, it was shut. And Scott comes in to use the bathroom, he leaves, my bag's open..." Kate explains
"He didn't take--" Allison start to say
"Something was taken from my bag. Now, look-- I hate to be the accuser here, Scott, because I really do love those adorable brown eyes... but I don't know if you're a klepto, if you're curious, or-or if you're just stupid. But answer the question-- what did you take?" Kate asked
"Nothing. I swear." Scott defends
"You don't mind proving it, do you?" Kate asked
"Are you serious?" Allison asked
"How about you show us what's in your pockets?" Kate insists
"Dad?" I say
"Come on, Scott. Prove me wrong." Kate suggests
"Uh, I'll prove you wrong. Uh, it wasn't Scott going through your bags-- It was me." Allison explains with confidence
"You?" My aunt Kate says confused
"Mmhmm. Me." Allison says pulling out a condom from her pocket I look down and laugh while she shrugs her shoulders

(Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while I was having trouble getting this to upload but hope you are liking it Go! Staddison)

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