I'm Fine

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"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made!" Jackson says to Lydia
"No" Lydia says
"I have to admit it's kinda bad" I say from the backseat
"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper!" Jackson trys to tell
"No" Lydia says again
"Jackson she isn't going to listen" I tell
"Lydia, I swear to God, you're gonna like it." He trys to convince we both look at Lydia who was silent
"Mmm No"
"I am not watching The Notebook again." Jackson says angerly the next thing I know me and Jackson walk inside the video store "Can someone help me find the notebook" Jackson asked frustrated I laugh while turning the corner looking for it as well "Hello anyone working here?" Jackson asked walking around the corner I met up with him "You have got to be kidding me" he sighs we walk more down the isle looking for a worker
"Hey Jackson look" I say pointing at feet that were sticking out we walk closer and round the corner, we see the dead body and back away we back up to far and hit the ladder which knocked out the light and it fell to the floor next to me, Jackson grabs me pulling me behind a bookshelf we look around the bookshelf and see a big dog running towards us, we look back hiding then hear loud thuds heading toward us Jackson and I crawl forward a little and see the bookshelves running towards us, Jackson pulls me forward more and our lower half of put body is covered by books I pass out until I wake up in lydias arms with a pounding headache
"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson yells Mr Stilinski who walked over to us
"I hear ya, but the EMT says you guys hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion." Mr Stilinski says calmly
Stiles stood up out of the car and sees me sitting next to Lydia
"Addison are you okay?" He asked looking at my head which had a bandage on it
"Yeah just have a little headache" I say Lydia stands up so Stiles could sit next to me I lean my head on Stiles shoulder blocking out all the yelling
"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I want to go home." Jackson yells
"And I understand that--" Mr Stilinski says patiently
"No, you don't understand that, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay, now, I want to go home!" Jackson yells to Mr Stilinski while he was keeping people away from the body that was being pulled away
"Everybody back up. Back up." Mr Stilinski says making room everyone was aloud to leave now but I stayed back with stiles
"Hey Hon" Mr Stilinski says walking up to me while my head was still on Stiles shoulder
"Hey Mr Stilinski" I say lifting my head up but keeping Stiles arm rapped around me
"How you feeling?" He asked
"Like I just got hit by a bus" I say closing my eyes
"Expected uh do you have a ride home?" Mr Stilinski asked me
"No I can call my" I look for my phone but it wasn't in my pocket "I must of dropped my phone after being chased by that thing" I say looking at the video store getting flash backs of I pushing the book shelves I shake my head and came back to reality
"Hey you ok?" Stiles asked looking at me worried
"What oh yeah" I lie "uh could you take me home?" I asked them
"Of course" they both said at the same time we get in the car and I drift off to sleep in the back
"So this girl" Mr Stilinski says looking back at me "You really like her?" He asked Stiles looked back at me and smiled
"Yeah who wouldn't" he says smiling at me, We make it back to my house and Stiles wakes me up
"Hey Addison" he whispered next to me I wake up
"Stiles?" I say waking up
"Yeah it's ok I'm here" he says putting his hand on my head then on my shoulder "you okay?" I look at him and smile
"Yeah" I say sitting up more
"Ok well we are here come on I'll walk you in" he says taking my hand we make it to the door and I open it "Well ill go" he says turning around
"Stiles" I say not knowing what I was going to do I walk up to him and hug him "Thank you" I say looking at him I kiss his cheek and walk through the door
"Addison?" My dad says standing up from the living room with everyone else following "we heard what happend why didn't you call?" My dad asked
"I lost my phone in the video store..." We sat there in silence for a second then I turn around to walk up the stairs
"Where are you going?" They ask I turn around and look at them
"To sleep I have a pounding headache" I lie turning around
"I'll go with her" Allison whispered walking behind me "Hey you sure you ok?" My sister asked worried
"I promise I'm fine" I lie again she looks at me
"Can I at least lay with you?" She asked walking over to my bed
"Sure" I say moving over soon I drifted off to sleep,
"Ahhhhh" I scream as a big dog is running towards me bookshelves being knocked over and me falling to the floor passing out I wake up looking around then see the dog run at me again he jumps on me putting his face close, I jump awake sweating and see my dad look at me along with Allison
"You okay?" They asked
"Huh me yeah I'm fine" I lie again "now get out so I can get ready for school" I say pushing them put the room as soon as the door closes I fall to the floor crying of fear.

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