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y/n had known izuku for as long as they could remember. ever since they were both kids, they were inseparable.

one thing they bonded over was the fact that they were both quirkless.

inko would constantly talk about their future wedding that she would have to throw once they grew up.

the two friends never made a big deal out of it, but y/n would always have a little feeling of giddiness at the mention of a future with their best friend.

by the time they reached middle school, y/n was finally able to put their feelings into words. they liked izuku. they still remember when they put two and two together.

it was the summer between their first and second year of middle school and izuku had come over to listen to records in y/n's room. y/n liked the background noise and company while they read so they started on a book their mother had brought them from her shift at the book store she owned. izuku didn't mind that they read instead of talking with him, he took the time to look through y/n's mini collection of all might merchandise. granted he did gift most of the collection, but it was nice to look at nonetheless.

as the chapters went on, y/n picked up on the tension between the two main characters who had grown up together. they picked up on how the guy seemed a little too into his best friend for it to be purely platonic. needless to say, the dots connected that night and their mom was ready for an earful of complaints come dinner time.

but the past is the past, their relationship seemingly grew more and more one-sided as the years progressed. izuku managed to get a quirk out of nowhere, which y/n still has no clue as to why he was such a late bloomer and made it into the hero department of ua.

leaving y/n to be in the general education department, alone.

while they never held it against him, it did sting to watch him grow and prosper in the course while they were left behind.

by their second year of high school, y/n had gotten used to tagging along with izuku's new friends; iida, uraraka, tsu, and todoroki. at some point, y/n and izuku managed to drag shinso into the group.

one day, while the group was eating at their designated lunch table and talking amongst themselves, mina walked over with a bright smile on her face.

"hey guys!" she greeted. those at the table took their turns greeting her back.

"so," she took the empty seat beside tsu and threw her arm around the girl's shoulder. "i'm throwing a party later tonight! would love for you guys to make it!"

y/n stayed quiet and focused on eating their lunch, mina looked over at the class 2-c student.

"all of you," mina stood up. "i'll send tsu or ochaco my address, hope y'all can make it!"

and with that, the group had plans for later tonight.

once tsu received the address, she sent it to their main group chat. later that night, y/n invited shinso over to help them get ready.

"i still don't get why you're so obsessed with him still," shinso, who was wearing all black as if he had a funeral to attend, mumbled as he scrolled through his phone while laying on y/n's bed. y/n rolled their eyes and continued to look through their closet.

"you're just mad i rejected your ass."

"you wound me, y/n, truly," shinso stated as he sat up and put his hand over his heart before rolling his eyes. "that was a year ago, i've gotten over it."

y/n just waved him off and turned on the speaker that was on the corner of their desk. shinso heard the noise that came from it as it powered on and connected his phone, playing music from a collaborative playlist the main group had on spotify. he lowered the volume so it would be nothing other than background noise and not where his full attention was.

"say," heather played softly in the background. "have you guys ever kissed?"

y/n chuckled and shook their head.

"i wish."

y/n pulled out a sweatshirt that izuku had given them one night when they slept over at his house.

"fitting, no?" y/n turned to shinso with the sweatshirt held against their body by the hanger. "it matches the vans i got at the mall last week too."

"wear it then," shinso approved and quickly went back to his phone.

y/n had already had on their ripped jeans and shoes they planned on wearing. the tanktop they had on made it easy to just throw the sweater over.

"should i just leave my hair like this?" y/n asked shinso as they messed with their h/c hair in their mirror.

"looks good to me," shinso stood up and disconnected his phone from the speaker, stopping the music in turn. "c'mon we wanna get there before all the good stuff is gone."

y/n laughed softly as they walked over to their nightstand, where their phone had been charging, and grabbed it, placing it in their back pocket. before leaving their room, they looked around one last time.

"your keys are in the living room still, and your chapstick is in your pocket."

y/n patted their pocket before slowly turning towards shinso. he was right.

"you know me too well man," y/n patted their friends back as they walked out of the room, turning off their light and closing the door behind them in the process. "let's get this over with." 

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