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y/n didn't look back. they stood up, apologies spilling out of their mouth as they left that house nearly in tears, shinso following quickly behind.

once outside, the two friends looked at one another. shinso sighed and hugged y/n, allowing them to cry into his shirt. he mumbled quiet things such as "i know" and "you'll be okay" as he rubbed their back. y/n pulled away when they heard izuku yelling after them.

"let's go," y/n sniffed and wiped their tears off of their face, speedwalking towards shinso's car in order to avoid izuku.

the car ride back to y/n's place was quiet. at one point, y/n had taken off the sweater they were wearing and pulled their knees to their chest, the sweater now acting as a makeshift pillow.

when the duo made their way to y/n's house, it was empty. y/n's mom was out of town for the weekend on a girls' trip with some of her friends from college. y/n threw their keys onto the dining table and took off their shoes before sulking towards their bedroom. once they got there, they plopped onto their bed and screamed into the pillow, shinso was left to turn on their light and place the water bottles he had grabbed from the fridge onto their desk before sitting beside y/n, who tilted their head towards the boy.

"why didn't i look first?" y/n mumbled as they sat up a bit.

"well, for starters, you're drunk. and- don't look at me like that, you know you are- you were excited to kiss him. how were you supposed to know he'd turn you down?"

"he's my best friend, he wouldn't feel-" y/n was interrupted by knocks at the door. "oh no," y/n and shinso both stood up.

"you don't think your mom is back and forgot her key, right?" shinso tried making light of the situation as the knocking continued.

"one, it's late. she refuses to drive when it's this dark. and two, she knows where the spare is."

"fine, you stay here. drink some water and calm down, i'll get the door." y/n nodded and grabbed one of the water bottles before taking a long swig. hopefully, it would sober them up a little. if the water wouldn't, maybe them slapping their face a bit would.

"h-hey midoryia," shinso said as he opened the doors. y/n really hated how thin these walls were.

"hi," midoriya smiled and shinso before moving past him and making his way to y/n's room.

"rude," shinso mumbled as he followed behind.

"[nickname]" y/n looked up at izuku, he had a sad smile on his face.

"zuku," izuku looked down at his best friend. their eyes were puffy. were they really crying over him? was he really worth crying over?"

"we need to talk," izuku turned and looked behind him. "alone?"

"yeah that's fine," shinso yawned and grabbed the unopen water on the desk. "it's late anyway, later guys." the remaining two bid him goodbye and told him to have a safe ride. y/n followed him to the door and instructed him to text them when he got home, shinso said he would.

once izuku heard the door close, y/n returned with their keys and placed them on their desk. instead of sitting on their bed, they sat on the ottoman at the end of their bed and motioned for izuku to sit beside them, which he did. the two of them sat in silence for a while, y/n pulled their knees into their chest and rested their head in a way that they would still face izuku.

"you came here," y/n spoke up. "you should start."

"r-right" y/n could tell he was nervous. izuku took a deep breath. "for starters, i had no clue that you were actually going to go in for the kiss? i don't know, you drank for everyone else so i figured you were waiting for it to land on shinso or something."

"shinso?" y/n looked confused. "why would i have been waiting for it to land on shinso?" izuku seemed even more lost than y/n was.

"aren't you two a thing? o-or at least don't you guys like one another?"

y/n processed the information they just received, they looked at izuku and began laughing.

"what's so funny?"

"zuku for someone so smart you are so, so dumb sometimes," he still seemed confused. y/n calmed down and sat properly before facing their body towards izuku, taking his hand in theirs. "nothing has ever been going on between shinso and i."

izuku stared at y/n for a moment, the words that had just come out of their mouth repeating in his head for a bit until it clicked. his eyes then widened as he stood up.

"WHAT," y/n nodded slowly as they. watched izuku pace back and forth. "you're telling me i could've asked you out this whole time?" y/n's face grew bright red as izuku continued to mumble and pace. y/n collected their composure before standing up and stopping izuku by placing their arms on his shoulders, causing him to look directly at his best friend.

"no one's stopping you from doing it now" was all it took for izuku to close the distance between them. y/n smiled before kissing the boy back, but this time it had been more aggressive than the kiss that they shared at the party. it was more passionate. once the two pulled away they were panting slightly and smiling at one another.

"wait, what about uraraka?"

"what about her?"

"didn't you give her your sweater at the party?"

"yeah? it was nothing more than me trying to be a good friend," he look y/n's hand and rubbed it with his own. "promise."



"nothing," y/n pulled izuku back down to the ottoman. "just kiss me again."

izuku smiled before doing as he was told.

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