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when they arrived at the party, the first thing y/n thought about was how loud it was just from the outside.

then they thought about if izuku has arrived yet.

when the two walked in, they were hit by a wave of noises.

the loud music, the people chanting for someone to drink, and those trying their best to yell over the music to their friends.

"you came!" mina smiled at the two. "i wasn't sure if either of you would show, glad y'all did though! in the kitchen, there's drinks and some snacks, i'd suggest trying to get some before sero and kaminari come back inside."

y/n just smiled awkwardly and made their way to the kitchen with shinso following. when they got there, they saw bakugo and jirou talking, red solo cups in hand.

"movie cliches man," y/n said to shinso as they looked through the cooler that was placed on a counter. y/n had drunk before, but it was never outside of their house. the only time they had gotten drunk was late into their 16th birthday with izuku.

why did everything lead back to him?

"bakugo?" y/n yelled across the kitchen, which was unnecessary since it was quieter in there compared to the rest if the house. "what are you drinking?"

he rolled his eyes and pointed to a bottle that was almost half gone, y/n read the bottle more and looked back at bakugo. he only shrugged. jirou walked over to the duo and grabbed an empty cup off the tower of solo cups that mina had set out for her guests.

"i saw him poor soda into it, said it tastes better or something," jirou explained as she poor roughly half of the liquor and half of the now opened coca-cola can into the cup, mixing it slightly before giving it to y/n. "here ya go."

"thanks," y/n took a sip to hide the blush on their face, it wasn't working. jirou smiled at y/n before grabbing her own cup off the counter and going back to where she stood before. y/n finished their sip and turned to shinso. "you wanna try?"

"nah, i'm good. i'll take the rest of your soda, though." y/n nodded quickly and gave it to the tall purple-haired boy.

"Y/NNNNNN" uraraka dragged out her friend's name as she threw her arms over them, causing them to nearly spill the drink. shinso took it off of y/n's hands and let them deal with the clearly drunk female. "i missed you."

"missed ya too," y/n looked around to see the rest of the group behind her. naturally, the first person they noticed was izuku.

who only had a tank top on his upper half. their face grew red as they looked at shinso who had started chuckling.

"zuku where's your shirt?" y/n asked, they watched as todoroki and tsu shared a quick look.

"ochaco said she was cold, so i gave her my sweater."

"right," y/n looked at the girl in their arms, she had a bright red sweater that was definitely not her size.

sensing the disappointment on his friend's face, shinso handed the drinks to todoroki for a second while he grabbed uraraka's arm and threw it over his shoulder, helping her stand up. y/n reached for the drinks back and todoroki looked confused for a moment before handing them back, his confusion being solved as he watched y/n hand the soda can to shinso's empty hand.

"should i take her home?" shinso asked the group.

"her parents would kill her," tsu sighed. "iida, you said you wanted to leave right?" the taller boy nodded and adjusted his glasses. "maybe let her nap in the car while you chill there till we leave?"


"here you go big guy," shinso said as he handed over uraraka. the group watched as iida carried her out of the house bridal style.

"god that should be me," y/n said, which earned them a look from the group. "what? why can't i be treated like a princess" they huffed as they took another drink.

shinso hit izuku's arm slightly and wiggled his eyebrows, the boy only awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"ALRIGHT Y'ALL," the music had been paused and mina was speaking over the speaker. when did she even get a microphone to do so? who knows. "we're playing spin the bottle in ten minutes! make your way to the living room if you're interested!"

she stopped speaking over her speaker and resumed the music, though it was noticeably quieter. the group looked at one another. y/n downed their drink and slammed the cup on the counter.

"why the hell not?"

and so, the group, minus tsu who said she would just keep iida and uraraka company in the car, made their way to the living room where the circle had already formed. there was a mix of 2-a and 2-b students at the party, but the circle was mainly filled with class 2-a students.

"bakugo was one hundred percent dragged here," y/n chuckled as they sat across bakugo, who was being held in place by kirishima and kaminari. beside kaminari was sero and beside kirishima was jirou, with an empty space next to her most likely saved for mina. other than that group, momo had been joined by kendo and monama.

"alright y'all!" mina clapped her hands together and took a seat. "i'm sure we all know how spin the bottle works, you spin the bottle and kiss who it lands on. but, if you really aren't okay with kissing said person, you have to take a shot!" mina put the bottle and some shot glasses down in front of her. she handed the empty bottle jirou who placed it in the middle of the circle.

"i'll go first," jirou mumbled. She spun the bottle and sat back as the group watched it go. it slowed down and a blush grew on jirou's face as it stopped in momo's direction. mina scooted out of the circle slightly in order to give jirou access.

"um," jirou messed with her ears. "can i kiss you?" momo smiled sweetly as she softly grabbed jirou's faced and planted a kiss on her lips. when she pulled away, jirou looked as if she had short-circuited. Momo laughed softly, though she also had a blush on her face. mina patted jirou's back as she made her way back to her spot in the circle.

"who's next?"

the game went on for a while. the most notable events were as follows: bakugo refusing to kiss anyone and taking the shot each time until it had been kirishima's turn and it had landed on him, which he gladly took the kiss. shinso landing on kaminari, kissing him, and then two minutes later kaminari landed on sero, and kaminari jumped on top of sero, kissing his face all over. Then after that, sero landed on shinso and kissed his hand softly before winking at him. at this point, mina had given everyone a shot glass and refilled them as the rounds went.

"y/n you still haven't kissed anyone," mina pointed out as she went to y/n's area of the circle and refilled everyone's glass. it was now their third turn and they took the shot each time.

"shush," y/n giggled a little as they spun the bottle. maybe they were a little tipsy, but who wasn't?

izuku wasn't, the only time it had landed on him was on one of bakugo's turns, in which he did two shots, purely to get the idea out of his head.

"no fucking way," y/n whispered to themself as they watched the bottle land on izuku. they turned to shinso, slightly freaking out, but all he did was nod and give a thumbs up.

y/n took a deep breath and turned, grabbing izuku's face and pressing their lips firmly onto his. when they pulled away they looked down.

and izuku had two shot glasses in hand.

and the circle was silent.

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