Chapter Ten

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I've tried as hard as I can to finish my plate of food, but there's just so much of it. I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to eat anywhere near this much food before. Pushing around the rest of it on my plate, I try to look like I'm eating so I don't have to deal with the awkwardness of leaving dinner early.

Elijah breaks away from his low conversation with Alessandro to look at me with concern etched on his face. "Is the food not good cara? You've barely touched your dinner."

"No, it's definitely not that. The food is amazing! I'm just full." I reply hastily, trying not to sound ungrateful.

"How could you possibly be full already? You haven't even had thirds yet!" Dante exclaims, tuning in to our conversation. Enzo and Roman seem to take his lead as I now have five sets of eyes staring into my soul.

Panicking, I shift around in my seat, praying that someone will save me. "I just already ate today. And I ate quite a bit of my dinner. I don't think I could fit another bite in me." I explain, trying not to ramble.

"Eat two more bites and you can be done bambina." Alessandro says.

"Are you serious? She hasn't even eaten half of her food! She's already underweight." Elijah cries.

"I can imagine that it's been a long day for her. A lot has happened in the past few days. We will revisit the topic of food at a later date. For now, let's let our baby sister rest." Alessandro defends me with a serious tone that says he's not to be argued with.

"Okay, fine. You're right. I'm sorry tesoro, I just want to make sure you're healthy." Elijah apologizes. "Speaking of which, I'd like to check up on you, make sure all of your vitals look good."

"I don't really need that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, but I'm healthy. You don't have to worry about me." I reply, not wanting him to see anything that would indicate my injuries. I can't let them know. Not yet at least.

"I disagree. I think it's a good idea. I'm sorry piccina, but you're rather small for your age. It would be good to make sure you're healthy. Besides, Eli's good at what he does. It won't take long." Roman butts in.


"No buts. You need to let us take care of you. Besides, I already checked and you don't have any current medical records. There was just one time when you were a kid. I won't be long, it's just to be sure." Elijah says. 

I can't believe they're ganging up on me. Turning to Alessandro desperately, I try to convey my distress through eye signals but he obviously doesn't get my message.

"That's an excellent idea. You can take her to the lab as soon as you're both finished here." Alessandro says, giving me a look to indicate that I'm going whether I like it or not.

I guess there's nothing to do but give in. They'd be suspicious if I fought it anymore."Okay. But can I go to bed after that? I'm pretty tired"

"Excellent. Well, I'm done so whenever you're ready sorella." Elijah says, cleaning up his place at the table.

Following Elijah, I clean up my place and walk with him to a room I haven't seen before. Wow. I knew they were rich, but they have a freaking hospital room in their house!

"Sit up on the table tesoro, I'm just going to wash my hands."

"What does that mean? Tesoro? I'm assuming it's Italian?" I ask curiously. 

Elijah turns to me with a smile, "It means treasure." Getting into doctor mode, Elijah turns back to grab some gloves before walking over to the exam table. "Are you cold? You haven't taken off those gloves since you got here."

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