Chapter Twenty-One

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I can't help the panic that begins to well up inside me as the sea of people just keeps on coming. Every single one of them seems to be at least a foot taller than me and straight out of a magazine photo.

Glancing around desperately, I spot Roman and attach myself to his arm, holding on tight enough that I can be sure he can't leave me.

"You all good there, sorella?" He questions softly, making no move to remove his arm from my vice-like grip.

"Yeah, I was just a little bit worried that I'd get swept away in the crowd. I mean, honestly! Why'd you all have to be so tall?" I whine.

"We're not tall, passerotta, you're just too tiny to see that." He laughs.

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are." Someone new declares, "You're tiny for your age."

I look up to see a new face in our conversation, a cousin perhaps? He's tall, obviously, with dark shaggy hair brushing his ears and bright green eyes that seem to be aware of every move I make.

"I'm Fio. You must be the long lost cousin?" He asks, holding his hand out with a smile.

"Um, yeah, I'm Ember." I mumble, my face burning as I shake his hand quickly and retreat back into Roman. I can practically feel the questions in his gaze as he shakes my gloved hand, but thankfully he doesn't say anything.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you. Ever since we found out we had another cousin, we've all been chomping at the bit to meet you." He replies.

"He means that literally, by the way." A new voice chimes in.

Turning slightly, I find Fio's twin watching me closely with a scowl painted on his face. It's obvious they're twins, their faces are technically identical, but they look completely different. This new boy is covered in tattoos and piercings, add on the messy hair and expression of someone whose dog you just murdered, and you have the complete opposite of Fio.

"Huh?" Is all I can manage to force out of my mouth as I examine the intimidating cousin I seem to have gained.

"It doesn't matter. I'm this idiot's twin, Gio." He replies, scowl still firmly in place.

"Hi", I squeak, "I'm Ember, although you probably already knew that."

"Nice to meet you, pipsqueak."

"Ember! Sit by me!" Dante shrieks, drawing several annoyed glares from the family members near him.

Roman nudges me in that direction gently as he pries my fingers from his arm, "Go sit with him, you'll be fine." He assures me as he does so.

I inch my way over, practically bolting halfway through once I've left the safety of Roman's nearness. I can feel him chuckle behind me, but at this point, I can't even be bothered to care.

"Hello again cousin." Lola's youngest son says, plopping down on the chair next to me, effectively trapping me between him and Dante. "I don't think I got to actually introduce myself earlier thanks to my mother's meddling. I'm Luca."

"It's nice to meet you, Luca." I reply with a smile.

Before we have the chance to actually have a conversation, a large male hand appears, placing a large plate of something that smells like heaven in front of me. Following the arm back to the person it belongs to, I find Elijah standing behind me with another plate full of salad in his other hand, which he also places in front of me.

"You know I won't be able to eat all of this, right?" I question, cocking my head slightly.

"I know, cara. I just want you to try."

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