Chapter Twenty

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Racing down the stairs, I run my fingers through my hair, tucking it behind my ear and smoothing my clothes. I'd decided on a pair of light gray skinny jeans and a comfy t-shirt with one of Elijah's hoodies on top to cover my arms and my trusty gloves covering the red blistering welts that refuse to leave my hands.

Stopping to glance at the mirror in the hall, I can't help but stare at the girl in front of me. Is that really me? I wonder. Most of my features are the same as the last time I truly looked in a mirror, sunken cheeks, dark rings under my eyes, and the same pale skin I've always had. But in my eyes, I see something I haven't seen since my mom died. Hope. Deep within the bright green depths, swirling around with heartache, fear, and pain; is hope.

I never realized just how big that small change could be. A life with hope. Suddenly the sunken cheeks and achy bones don't seem to matter quite as much. Nothing matters when life is on the line. Real life. Not just survival. Because there is a difference. I don't think I truly realized that until this moment.

"Are you alright?" Alessandro asks from behind me as he approaches, resting against the wall.

"I think so." I reply softly, "I'm just nervous."

"There's nothing to be nervous of, bambina. I'll be right here the whole time. We all will."

"Thank you." I whisper just barely loud enough for him to hear.

"There is nothing to thank me for Ember, I'm doing what any decent family member should." He murmurs before holding out his arm as if to escort royalty. "Now, would you care to join me?"

Smiling softly at him, I accept the offered arm and turn to walk down the hall. Before we get too far though, I stop, tapping on his sleeve to gather his full attention.

Looking deep into my eldest brother's eyes, I put all my being into the words that fall from my lips. "I love you, Alessandro."

"I love you more than you could ever know sorella." He replies, pulling me into a warm hug that I can't help but sink into. "Now come on, we've got some family to meet."

Taking Alessandro's arm in mine, I follow him down the hall to the living room where the sound of grunting men can be heard from miles away. What on earth are they doing in there?

"No! I said move it to the left, didn't I? So why the fuck would you move it to the right?" Enzo shouts.

"I don't know, maybe cause you fucking walked to the right? We're both carrying the damn thing!" Roman retorts hotly.

"Would both of you shut up?" Elijah butts in, "Lola is going to be here any minute and all you two have done for the past thirty minutes is argue about how to move that couch instead of actually moving it!"

Ignoring my mind's immediate instinct to freeze at the sound of angry men, I walk into the room with my head held high. That's right, I have no reason to be afraid here. It's not the same. I think, giving myself as many pep talks as I can. I don't want to be that scared little girl anymore.

"Ember! Sorry, we didn't hear you come in. What do you think?" Enzo asks with a grin, dropping his side of the long sectional as he speaks, gesturing around the room to the many chairs and sofas scattered around.

"She'd like it better if you would put the fucking couch where it goes and not leave it in the middle of the goddamned walkway!" Roman growls.

"It's certainly... different." I reply, looking around in shock. "Just how many people are gonna be here tonight?"

"Well, there's your aunty Lola and her family, your uncle Riccardo and his, Lorenzo and Leonardo and theirs, and then Santino, and your grandparents. So, including us, there will be... twenty-five people." Elijah calculates, not even noticing when my eyes bulge open at the large number of people I'll be forced to meet.

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