Chapter 10

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Beep, Beep, Beep. I groaned and gradually opened my eyes. Oh god this better not be that fucking vision again. I thought to myself. Everything was blurry at first but eventually it cleared up.

"Nurse! Nurse! Come quick! She's awake!"

I was apparently once again in a hospital bed with an iv hooked up to my hand with my arms wrapped up in a bandage and a heart monitor next me. Joy.

I suddenly felt a sharp, stinging feeling surge through my wrists and up my arm. I cried out from the pain and curled up into a little ball.

Someone finally came bolting through the door. She had white scrubs on and her blonde hair in a bun and a blue face mask on. She came over and did my vitals and said her name was Anne. She asked if I needed anything I replied with no and she left quietly. She was very sweet from what I had seen.

"Hey ham and cheese sandwich."

I turned over to see Luke sitting on the ground right next to my bed with his legs crossed and a carton of apple juice in his hands.

"Hey.. How long was I out for?" I mumbled
"A day. You know, your attempt actually worked. Your heart stopped. They had to use those shock thingys on your chest... Don't you dare ever do that to me. Never again. There was so much blood and I was so scared you were gone and.. And-" He began to break down to tears.

I was speechless. I never even thought about the after effects. Like if I truly was you know.... Dead... Grief started to fill me as I got out of the bed and tried to comfort Luke.

"Sh sh. It's okay. Let it all out. I'm still here. I'm still in the flesh. My heart is still beating. I'm sorry about this all. I just kinda ya know... Went over the edge. And I was not thinking clearly, I didn't even bother thinking about the after math of if I actually did us know... Succeeded in that." I said as he sobbed into my shoulder.

His head left my shoulder and he stared into me and sniffled,

"Never. Again. Promise me. You won't try again. If I wasn't there you would've died. And I don't want that to happen."

"I promise. Well, we can't do shit. While I'm stuck in here so." I Said as I unhooked the iv around my hand And detached myself from the wires.
"Let's go."
"Wait... N-Now?."
"Yup. Let's go. We have to get away from this county. I don't want that.... Animal that killed my family to come kill us. Fuck mate! I'm fifteen going on sixteen! I have a life to live! And that fuckers not taking that away from me! So let's go." I held out a hand to Luke to help him up.

"So. What's the route we taking? Like to leave this depressing shit hole." He asked.

I pointed and explained, "The window. We're on the first floor. We'll be okay. I mean my windows dead in front of the parking lot for the visitors center. We can sneak out with ease."

"But the iv, and the tubes. Won't they go off when they're unattached?"
"Nah, and if they do then run like fucking hell."

I gently removed the iv from my hand and got some gauss from the cabinet in my room to clot the blood. My arms were already wrapped up so I was okay. There was a pill bottle on the table the nurse must've accidentally left. They were pain killers, I knew we were going to need that so I shoved it in my pockets quickly and opened the window.

I slipped right out like it was nothing.
"Come on Luke! I don't want to stir up a commotion!" I whisper-shouted to him.
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Jesus be patient."

There was a ticking sound I'd been hearing but it was starting to drive me crazy. I didn't notice this till we were outside but, there was a little red light flickering in the corner of the cabinet I left open. I climbed back in to see what it was.

It was a small bomb that was flat and Not like anything I had ever seen. It had a Note next to it saying

Why did you think I'd only kill your family and not you? All of you are wastes of space that happened to also be pieces of shit. You all will pay for your sins. Burn in hell. And while you're there maybe you'll see the rest of your family :). And if you do then tell them I said How's it going down there.
~Jade Hilson

I looked at the timer. 10 minutes left.
I grabbed Luke's hand and slammed through that window.
So much for being quiet.

I yanked him by the arm up and vociferated,
"THEN FUCKING RUN." I screamed back.

We sprinted out of the parking lot faster than ever. We were out of sight by the time the staff rushed into the room. But they must have saw the bomb because I heard a scream coming from our room saying,

We were coming up on a forest so I pulled Luke into it causing us both to tumble into a stop.

"Explain. Now." He said while trying to catch his breath.

"I saw a bomb. It had 10 minutes till. Boom city." I said in between breathes.

"Oh... WAIT WHAT."
"Everything's okay." I assured him
"It would've gone off by now. Everyone's safe."
"Thank god, next time. Tell me these things please. That'd be amazing." He said in relief.

The sun was starting to go down a bit and I swear to you. I have never seen a more beautiful sight then that sunset. Orange, purple, a mellow yellow, and deep blue blended into the sky in layers. The air was cool and crisp, and there were no little critters out and about to disturb us. Just us, and Mother Nature.

God I just wish I could go back in time and just lay there in that moment forever. But that's just not how the universe works.

"Well..... Where to now from here. I mean. Everything I know is dead or dead to me. So...." My voice began to trail off.

"Don't worry I have a place we need to visit but for now let's just call it a night okay?" He said reassuringly with a warm smile on his face.

I smiled back and said,
"Okay. Sounds good to me. Well I'm beat so goodnight"

He said goodnight to me and reached over and kissed my cheek and rolled over on his side.

Well that wasn't expected. But then again the best of things aren't. I thought as I drifted to sleep.

//AN Hey guys! So I won't have my phone for a long time so I won't be able to update as often and also question, should I put songs I listened to a lot while writing the chapters I guess as like an influence in the Media section or no? Comment below and let me know what you think XP. But that's it! Love you guys bye!//

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