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It's nighttime and I headed to Pansy's dorm. I knocked at her door and she answered quick. She leaned on the door frame "Glad you came" She said while looking me up and down. "Was there anything you wanted to talk about?" I asked her while I entered her dorm. "Oh nothing" She said then shut the door and locked it "Muffliato" she whispered then walked up to me. "Why don't you take a seat I'll get you something to drink" She told me.

"Oh no that's okay I'm not thirsty" I declined "Oh okay then we can drink alcohol and get drunk" She suggested "Yeah sure why not" I said while taking a cup from her. "Here's some fire whiskey for me and here's for you" She said pouring the alcohol in the cups. "Cheers" I said and drank.

After a few more drinks me and her were drunk. We both layed in bed and threw our cups somewhere in the room. "Holy shit I'm drunk as hell" I slurred. I felt Pansy straddle my hips "What are you doing?" I asked her. I was very confused and didn't know what was going on. "Let me please you" She said to me teasingly while she started to unbutton my shirt.

"I'd rather not" I said trying to get up but she pushed me back down. She started kissing my neck "Stop" I said to her in a serious tone trying to get up again but she just pushed me down. She kissed my jawline and my cheek and she got up a bit inching away from my face. "It's okay no one will know" She started to kiss my neck again then sucking on it forming a hickey, she started to kiss down. "Seriously stop" I told her finally pushing her off.

"Fine then your loss" She said annoyed. She layed down next to me and slept.

It's the next day I woke up in her bed and I saw medicine and water on the bedside table. I took the medicine and went to the Gryffindor common room. Thank god it's Saturday no school.

I walked in and heard a voice "Didn't see you go in the dorm last night" an angry voice from the couch said. "Hermione?" I asked tiredly while walking to the couch. "I heard Pansy going around telling everyone that you guys fucked" An angry tone in Hermione's voice. She turned to look at me and scanned her eyes on my whole body.

"Oh would you look at that. A hickey." She said angrily "Hermione let me expla-" I tried to say but she cut me off. She stood up and completely faced me "I can't believe you lied to me. AND ESPECIALLY TO RON." She said to me angry and tears forming in her eyes.

"Hermione please just let me ex-" I tried to say again but she interrupted "I don't want to hear it. It's obvious that you two are together now since you guys fucked" She said while a tear fell from her eye. "Hermione" I said softly but she just walked away and went to our dorm.

I sat on the couch and I closed my eyes for a bit. I instantly opened my eyes when I heard Harry's voice. He walked to the couch and sat next to me "So you and Pansy you guys hooked up?" He asked "No we didn't. I stopped her before more things could happen. I told her to stop but she didn't. Until I pushed her off. We were both drunk" I explained to Harry and he nodded understanding what I just said.

"I'll tell Ron. He actually told me to go ask you if you two hooked up. He doesn't want to talk to you right now so he told me to do it" He told me and I just nodded. "Alright bye" He waved then stood up and walked out of the common room. I waved back.

Now I have to go explain to Hermione. But why is  she mad? She was never mad when I hooked up with someone and didn't tell her until the next day. So what the hell changed? All this thinking made my head hurt. So I walked to the dorm and I knocked on the door. I knocked multiple times but there was no answer. "Hermione open the door I want to sleep" I said from behind the door.  "Sleep on the couch" She yelled.

So there I went back to the common room, back on the couch. I layed down and sighed then fell asleep.


A soft voice woke me up. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times so I can get a clear look of who it is. It was Ginny. "Hey V" She said softly "Hey" I replied back "I heard you and Hermione fight that's very unlikely" She said as she sat down on the arm rest of the couch.

I sat up and leaned my back on the couch. "I just don't get it. She never got mad when I hooked up with someone but when it comes to Pansy she gets mad. Nothing even happened. I tried to tell her but she just cut me off" I explained. I layed my head back, closed my eyes and sighed. "I just don't get it" I said to myself.

"Vic don't you see it?" Ginny asked. "See what? My eyes were shut" I opened my eyes and started looking around the room. "Not literally" Ginny giggled. She moved to sit next to me. "V she likes you." Ginny said in an "It's so obvious" tone. "Impossible" I told her but she just sighed.

"Did she tell you? If she did and you're telling me that without her permission then that's not good" I asked her "I connected the dots and she doesn't know that I know she likes you" She explained "Well you don't know for sure" I told her doubting the words she's saying. "Well what I know for sure is that you like her. Isn't that right?" She asked me.

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed "Then I'll help you win her heart." She suggested. "It won't include love potions right? I don't want what happened with you and Dean that was a mess" I asked worried. "Of course not. I learned my lesson" She reassured me.

"Okay! Well I'd better get going now. I need to see if Hermione will let me in our dorm." I told her and she nodded. I gave her a hug and went off to the dorm.

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