Something's Wrong

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It's been an hour I woke up and I felt around the bed but Hermione wasn't there. I got up and rubbed my eyes to adjust to the lighting. "Hermione?" I called out to her but there was no answer. I got up and walked around the room but no sign of Hermione.

"I swear to Merlin, Hermione if you scare me again" I said hoping she'll hear me. But no scare this time. "Hermione?" I called out again but no answer. She probably already went down to the common room or the Great Hall either eating or waiting for classes to start.

I got ready and grabbed my bag. I headed to the Great Hall seeing Hermione and the boys talking about something. "HI LAKE!" Ron yelled my way greeting me, I gave him a smile and waved in response. Hermione and Harry turned their heads my way but Hermione didn't wave to me at all.

I headed to the Slytherin table to go talk to Draco. I sat down next to Draco "So I have a plan to get you closer to Potter" I told him and he got really excited "REALLY???? OMG WHAT IS IT?" He said to me very excited "Alright alright calm down" I told him while patting his shoulder "You just have to be nice to Granger and Weasley" I told him and he gave me a confused look.

"How the hell will that help?" He asked me "They're his bestfriends" I told him "I'll lose my reputation" He said to me with worry "Your reputation is more important than Potter?" I asked him. He stayed quiet "Exactly" I told him "Now do as I say" he nodded in response.

I started putting food on my plate and started eating. After a while I finished eating "Thanks Vic for helping me" Draco thanked me "Of course" I told him messing up his hair "HEY WATCH THE HAIR I spent a lot of time slicking it back making sure no hair sticks up" He argued "We're in year 5 it's time for a hair change" I told him "I guess you're right" He agreed.

He let his hair go to a middle part "Do I look good?" He genuinely asked me "Yes" I told him. Well of course he looks good. "Well I'm off to go be nice to Harry and his friends" He told me good bye "Alright have fun bye" I told him goodbye as well.

I cleaned up and headed to the courtyard. I saw Draco with Harry and them and they were, laughing? "Vic over here!" Harry called out to me. I ran over to them "Draco is not so bad after all" He told me and I smiled in response "We're halfway done with our liquid luck" Harry said proudly "Have you started yet V?" Ron asked, I shook my head in response "That's very unlike you" Draco said concerned. "Are you okay?" Ron and Harry asked me worried. "I remember when you didn't make a potion right away you had an anxiety attack about not being able to finish it in time" Harry recalled. "I'm fine don't worry" I told them.

"Anyways Hermione when you do want to start working on our liquid luck?" I asked to break the tension "I already started on it I'm almost done I just need to add two more things." She replied "But we were supposed to do it together" I told her "Well I just started on it before breakfast" She told me. "So basically just a few minutes ago? That was fast" She nodded in response.

"So guys do you want to hang out tonight?" Harry asked "Yeah sure" Me, Draco, and Ron said but Hermione on the other hand "I can't I have to do something" She told us declining the invitation. "Oh" the four of us said and she just nodded in response.

"Come to think of it I have to go" She said and she walked away "What has gotten into Hermione?" Ron asked and the three of us just shrugged our shoulders.

I yawned while walking to the Gryffindor common room until I heard someone talking to themself in a broom closet. I walked to the closet and I knocked "Are you okay in there?" I asked the person "Yeah I'm fine" The person replied. "Hermione?" I asked and I opened the door "Are you okay?" I asked her "Yeah yeah I'm fine" She said in a not so believable tone.

"Talk to me" I told her "No" she replied. "Hermione I know something's wrong you're ignoring me" I said to her "No I'm not" she argued "YES YOU ARE! I don't know what I did wrong on why you're ignoring me and I know you're not okay so tell me why you're not okay" I argued back.

"ITS BECAUSE OF YOU OKAY?" She yelled at me. My heart sank and the feeling of crying came on. Tears started to form in Hermione's eyes. "EVERYTHING IS JUST SO MIXED UP AND IM SUPER CONFUSED. EVERYTHING IS NOT HOW ITS USED TO BE AND ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" She yelled at me again "If it's about us having sex then just say it. You're the one who wanted it. So if you're ignoring me because we had sex then you're in the wrong." I said to her as calm as I can to not shout at her.

She stayed quiet. "If it's because I've been treating you like the most important thing in this world. Then you're in the wrong." I said to her as calm as possible. She was not saying a word. "So what really is it Hermione?" I asked her as I crossed my arms "Why are you ignoring me and why am I the reason you're not okay?" I asked her in a serious tone. She tried to speak up she kept stuttering.

As I was about to leave "Victoria wait" Hermione stopped me and grabbed my wrist. She pushed me to the wall and she kissed me. I was in pure shock and didn't kiss back for a bit and I finally did. The kiss didn't go any further.

She pulled back "It's because I like you and only you. I'm very confused and it's true everything changed because of you. You're a Lake. Your family is above the Malfoys for god's sake. You have a very high rank in the whole wizardring world. And you're friends with a muggleborn. I got bullied and everything. I started liking you then people started telling me that I'm not good enough for you. One even said 'Victoria will never go for a mudblood like you'" She explained. My face softened "I'm so sorry people did and said those things to you" I tried to make her feel better.

"No I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry that I didn't explain. I should've explained and not yell at you and saying that it's all your fault that I'm not okay" She apologized. I pulled her in a hug and rubbed circles into her back. "It's okay" I reassured her.

"Now let's go to Harry's hm?" I asked her and she nodded in response. We walked out of the closet and headed to Harry's dorm. On the way there she held my hand.

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