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"Hermione let me in" I knocked on the door but there was no answer. "Hermione please" I said softly but loud enough to be heard. There was still no answer. I just want to sleep on my bed that's all I'm asking for right now. I also want to talk to her.

I sat down from across the door and waited. "Hermione please let me in" I begged. After a few minutes I heard footsteps coming near the door. The door opened and I smiled at the sight of her. She doesn't look too happy though. It looks about like she's been crying.

"Like I said sleep on the couch" She said in a hoarse voice. "Hermione darling talk to me please" I stood up and tried to give her a hug. But she pushed me away "Don't 'darling' me Lake. Now off to bed go." She said in an angry but sad voice.

"Could I at least get a bla-" I tried to ask but I was cut off by her shutting the door. I guess no blanket then. I walked to the common room and I layed down on the couch. I'll try to talk to Hermione tomorrow. I closed my eyes and slept

It's the next day and I'm still in the same uniform as the time when I got drunk which was 2 nights ago. Hermione won't let me in the dorm so I can't get clean clothes. I stretched and stood up then stretched some more. I heard Harry, Ron, and Hermione talking while going to the common room. I'm glad I have my school stuff with me or else I'm screwed.

"Finally you're awake!" Harry exclaimed. "We're heading off to lunch now wanna come?" Ron asked. "Yeah sure I'll be in the Great Hall in a bit" I told them and the two boys nodded. But Hermione she's acting like I'm not there it's like I'm see through.

The three got out of the common room and I headed to the dorm. FINALLY I CAN GET CLEAN CLOTHES AND BRUSH MY TEETH! I changed to clean clothes and I brushed my teeth quick in the bathroom. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to the Great Hall.

Once I entered the Great Hall people were staring at me. Once I sat next to Draco to talk about how to get Potter to be in love with him, but Blaise decided to say something. "We heard that you're great in bed Lake. Kinda want to test that theory" Blaise said teasingly and laughing with his idiot friends. "Shut up Zabini!" Draco yelled at him causing everyone to look at Draco and Blaise.

"What are you going to do about it Malfoy? Cry to your daddy about it?" He asked in a teasing way. Blaise and his friends laughed. "Enough Blaise" I stood up and got close to his face "Look at Ms tough guy over here" He laughed. Draco looked at him like he was about to kill him.

Draco then pushed me out of the way and tackled Blaise into the ground. They started throwing punches at eachother. Half of the Great Hall was cheering them on. Then a loud voice was heard "STUDENTS ENOUGH" Dumbledore yelled.

Everyone went quiet and the two got off eachother. "You two. Headmaster's office NOW!" Dumbledore said angrily. The two walked to the Headmaster's office with Dumbledore. "Everyone else continue with your meals" Dumbledore told everyone.

I sat back down but then I heard Harry calling me over to sit at their table "V COME SIT OVER HERE!" He yelled from across the room. So I stood up and walked over there. On my way there   someone had to say something "Loved how you moaned my name louder and louder" Pansy said very loudly. Her friends laughed and I gave them a dirty look.

I got to the Gryffindor table and tried to sit next to Harry but Ginny scooted next to him. I tried sitting next to Fred but Ron decided to run and take my seat. "Sit there next to Hermione" Ron said to me raising his eyebrows up and down.

I sat next to Hermione and it was pretty awkward. Hermione didn't look my way at all. "Hey Mione how was your day so far?" I tried to start a conversation but I just got ignored. "Okay" I said to myself. I started eating my food and Pansy walked by and stopped by Hermione "Hey Granger your girlfriend over here fucked me like there's no tomorrow" She told Hermione and that caused Hermione to look at me.

If looks could kill I would be dead already. She stood up and left the Great Hall without saying anything. Pansy just laughed "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked her annoyed. I stood up and chased after Hermione.

I tried finding her but she's nowhere to be found. I kept looking but a thought came to me. She must be hiding in her little hideout. The broom closet. So I went there.

When I knocked someone answered "Go away" that person said while sniffling. I opened the door and there she was. "What do you want?" She asked sternly. "I want to talk to you" I replied. I walked in and I closed the door.

Hermione stood up and tried to leave but I blocked the door. "Hermione listen" I said to her "You have 5 minutes" She told me "Okay so nothing happened between me and Pansy and she tried to have sex with me but I pushed her off. We were both drunk at that time but I was still in the right state of mind so I pushed her off before anything can happen." I explained to her as fast as I could "You have 3 minutes left. Anything else to add?" She asked me as she crossed her arms "The rumors are not true." I reassured her.

"Then what's that on your neck?" She asked pointing to the hickey pansy gave me. "She gave me this when she was forcing herself onto me" I explained "So you guys didn't have sex?" She asked trying to make things clear. "No we didn't" I reassured her.

"That's good then" She said awkwardly "Yeah" I said quietly. She nodded and got out of the broom closet. "Hermione wait" I stopped her "What's the big deal about it? You never got mad at me for hooking up with someone. Or at least I don't think you did" I asked her trying to get an actual answer. She turned around "Ron likes her"  She said that as if that was a forced answer. "Sure" I said quietly doubting her.

She walked away and headed to the dorms. I followed her wanting to talk to her more but I was blocked by Luna Lovegood. "Hi Victoria would you like a pamphlet?" She asked me genuinely "Yeah sure" She gave one to me "Thanks" I thanked her and she nodded and went off to wherever she was going.

I continued to follow Hermione and when we reached the common room "Are you following me?" She asked without even turning around "Noooo..." I said awkwardly "Mhm sure" She said and walked to the dorm. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT? BEING A WITCH IS NO EXCUSE. I CANT EVEN DO THAT!

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