Right Person Wrong Time

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It was mail day.  I was sitting in the dining hall when my owl delivered me my mail. I saw that it was from my parents. This was very surprising for me and I looked at the letter more carefully for a few minutes. "Hellooooo" I heard a voice and I looked up "Finally I got your attention" Hermione said satisfied. She sat down across from me and looked at the letter in my hands. "Who's it from?" She asked me curious on who it could be from. "My parents." I told her and she became more curious about it. "Well then open it" she urged me to do and so I did. I started reading the letter and it's a bloody long letter. Hermione looked concerned about the facial expressions I was making. "So what's it about darling?" She asked me very curious about it "My parents found out about us" I told her concerned. She looked away from me for a bit and started to get worried. "What did they say?" She asked me very concerned "They want..." I tried to speak but I can't seem to get it out. She was waiting patiently on what I'm about to say "They want what?" She asked me and held my hands "They want us to break up or else they will have Voldemort kill your family" I started crying and put the letter in my pocket. I can't believe this happened. Who told them about us?

Hermione tried to comfort me about the situation but nothing was working. I don't want to break up with Hermione, I've loved her ever since I laid my eyes on her. "V it's okay don't worry" She tried to reassure me "No it's not Hermione your family is at risk of being killed" I cried more and she tried to keep it together. Tears were falling from her eyes but she didn't make a noise. "We can still see each other, we share the same dorm" She says trying her best to calm me down "No Hermione they want us to be in separate dorms" I didn't know what to do. "My love it'll be okay" She hold my hands tighter "It won't they probably have someone spying on us" I told her as I looked around. "Hermione we need to break up. I'm so sorry" I said sobbing and Hermione's eyes closed trying not to cry more. "I can't risk your family" I said while sobbing more. I don't know why this is happening right now. Hermione got up and leaned over to me and gave me a forehead kiss. "I love you" She told me softly and left the dining hall.

I was left sobbing and I heard steps heading towards me. I looked up and it was Pansy. "Hey Lake I see that you two ended things" She said pretending to be pitiful. "Leave me alone Pansy" I told her trying to stay calm "Did you two end things because of mommy and daddy?" She laughed and I stood up and grabbed her by her robes. She stopped laughing with fear in her eyes "How did you know about that?" I yelled at her and she wasn't answering "HOW?" I yelled at her louder "I told your parents" Pansy's eyes started watering and her breathing was shaky. I let go of her robes and she looked at me scared. I was left with anger and sadness. There was many emotions going through my head.

My head was filled with so much things. Pansy tried to touch my shoulder but I grabbed her and slammed her to the wall "Don't touch me" I grabbed my wand and put it against her neck "Don't ever talk to again" She was shaking and almost started crying. She was trying to say something but I pushed my wand against her neck more. "Ple-please... le-let... me... go" She struggled. Everyone in the dining hall witnessed it and I let go of Pansy. She was shaking and was trying to slow down her breathing. She ran away from me and headed to the Slytherin common room.

I ran to the Gryffindor common room and looked for Hermione. She wasn't there so I checked our dorm and she also wasn't there. All there was, was a note that read "I love you so much and I understand our situation so I'm leaving Hogwarts - From your love Hermione" I stared at the note for a while. I was upset and angry and absolutely destroyed. This shouldn't have happened. Hermione doesn't deserve this. We were supposed to be happy together.

Right Person Wrong Time| Hermione GrangerWhere stories live. Discover now