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Here, it goes to the another Fanfiction of My Most and all time Favourite's SamSiv!❤️💙

Do enjoy this as a story and it is purely an imaginary Fanfiction!
Do read this as a story and it's not meant to hurt others! Expecting everyone's Love for My very Own,


God has perfect timing; never early, never late!!
It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait!!

Travel with me to know, How Sivaangi is going to be a mom of her Child after a long wait of Six year's!! Also about Sam who doesn't give up on her on any point of time!!!

P.S: It's just a short story of 3-4/4-5 episodes!!

Spread Love and Spread Peace!🧚

Do forgive me for the errors and flaws.!
Do read this as a fanfiction.!
Do share your views in comments!
Thank you! ❤️
Will update the next episode as soon as possible!

And makkaley you can follow me on instagram!

To Be Continued!

With love,

PREGNANCY!!🖤 (COMPLETED✔️) Where stories live. Discover now