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She already slept in his arms! All he want is to have a baby like her in their life to forget every of the sorrows that they faced till now! His eyes are already welled up while thinking of this treatment! He definitely knows this will be painful! And, he is now afraid of His First Baby!! Sivaangi!! He definitely knows she will never bear a pain at all! And, he is even more scared now! He wiped away his tears when he felt movement in Her!! She opened her eyes and looked at him! He smiled at her and kissed her eyes!! She wrapped her hands around his waist and snuggled into his chest! They reached Ooty! Sam booked a cottage already there!! He Parked the car and took her there!! The place is looking more beautiful!! It's full of green bushed and big big bamboos!! She is seeing everything like a kiddo!! Squealing she ran to every trees and played! He smiled seeing her and ran to catch her!! They played for a long time!! Soon, they felt exhausted and Sam took her to their cottage!! She leaned on his arms and they walked lazily!! She jumped on the bed when they reached the room!! He smirked seeing her!! He immediately hover over her and kissed her lips hardly which made her to jerk!! She fisted her arms around his neck and pulled him more to her!! He caressed her cheeks and his hands went to her bare waist after he tossed the top down!! She pulled him even more and his full body is on top of her!!! She closed her eyes tightly feeling him on her!! He left her lips and he bites all over her neck and her chest!! She moaned and as a result her neck has a pool of hickeys which is made by him!! As the heat increased both are under the duvet hugging each other so tightly that an air can't even come in between them!!! He hugged her from the back and she pulled him even more and his hands are covered her chest and he kissed her nape!! She closed her eyes tightly feeling exhausted coz of their continuous love making sessions after days!! He pulled her to him and made her to lay on top of him and hugged her tightly!! She kissed his forehead and slept on his embrace!! He pulled the blanket and covered their bodies and slept so early in the morning!!

Two days passed away like that!! Sam already informed about the treatment to both their parents in Sivaangi's absence!! Evernthough they are afraid regarding this, all they want is to see both their happiness and so they accepted everything!! Sam cared her in many ways!! Sivaangi felt happy more now!! She felt blessed to have him in her life!! She forgets everything when she is around him!! Now, she is very well good in point of her health!! She is not getting tensed and stressed!! Sam noticed these changes in her and the time, they waited for arrives!! They went to Chennai soon!! The family joined with the duo in the hospital to start her treatment!! Praying every God, they went to see the doctor!!

Sam saw she was fisting her hands in nervousness. He sat beside her and held her hands tightly. She look up to him. He kissed her side of her head and continued caressing her head and wait for the doctor. The doctor called them in!! They took some basic medical test for Sam and Sivaangi. After awhile the doctor came with reports and sat infront of them!!

Sam: Doctor!! report okay thaane?

Doctor: perfect Sam!! Sivaangi nalla healthy ah iruka. Bayapada onnum illa.

They decided to start the treatment. They brought Sivaangi to the treatment room and start with the procedures. After few hours, they collected her healthy ovum through the procedure. Next, the ovum was transferred to culture dish to fertilise with Sam’s sperms. The gynos had a close look for the fertilisation process. Sam was with Sivaangi and both of them prayed for the best!! After few hours, the fertilisation process was successful. Once successful, the fertilised eggs are considered embryos!!

The doctor came to meet them.

Doctor: the fertilisation process is successful, we can transfer the embryo in next 5 days.

She also advised Sivaangi to eat healthy food for the 5 days. They both were so happy and Sivaangi immediately hugged Sam.

Sivaangi: Namaku paapa vanthuruma Sam??

He nodded his head with teary eyes and kissed her forehead!! She hugged him and cried even more in his embrace!! He caressed her hair and leaned his forehead on her's!! All the family members hugged them and showered their happiness!! The 5 days Sam cared her so lovingly. He made sure she eats everything healthily. He cooked for her and made her rest well!! He often took her to walk that too only in his room!! He never allowed her to take junk foods and road side foods!! He only made her to eat the home made foods!!

The 5 days has passed, they went to the appointment again. Immediately, Sivaangi was brought into the treatment room. She was half conscious due to the anaesthesia injection. They carefully transferred the embryo to her womb using catheter guided by ultrasound!! Sivaangi is then transferred to ICU and kept under the observation!! The doctor comes out!! Everyone looked at her with a concerned face!!!

Doctor: It's successful!! Happy ah irunga!! You will get your baby so soon!!!!

That's it Sam's eyes teared more and more and he didn't even took any efforts to control this!! He knows how the baby is going to change their life!! He turned and hugged Vino who is shedding tears!! Soon all went to see Sivaangi one by one!! She is in unconscious state!! She is still sleeping coz of anaesthesia!! Sam sits nearer to her and took her hands and kissed her knuckles!! The doctor asked them to admit Sivaangi for two to three days for the observation!! All left the hospital and Sam is there to take care of her!! She opened her eyes in a while drowsil and looked at Sam who is having tears in his eyes!! Sam took her right hand and kept it on her abdomen and kissed her forehead!! She hugged him by his nape and cried hardly!! Even his eyes are tearing more!! He broke the hug and kissed her forehead and her eyes!!

The days rolled like a blink!! Everyone really took Sivaangi like a baby!! Sam didn't even leave her to walk!! He will carry her everywhere in their house!! Everyone really admired their bond and his love towards Sivaangi!! They made her baby shower really beautiful in the temple!! She literally glowed and looked like An Angel with her baby bump!! Sam literally ran and squeal in the house when he felt the baby kick!! He literally cried seeing his baby movements!! And, her due date is nearing so soon!! Sam literally carried her and went to the car when he felt her screaming!! And, he really know that His Princess is coming!! Yes!! He need a Princess like Sivaangi!! Soon, she is brought to the labour room!! Her crying made Sam to feel worse!! He is literally shattered seeing her in the stage!! He request the doctor to allow him inside and he ran inside!! He held her hands tightly and helped her in the pregnancy!! He tried to push the baby outside!! And, Sivaangi made a loud scream which made their baby to see this outside world!! She felt unconscious

Doctor: Congrats Sam!! As your wish, you both have a Baby Girl!! 

His eyes teared even more now!!! The nurse took the baby to clean her!! After half an hour, Sivaangi opened her eyes and looked Sam!! He slowly placed his lips and her's and kissed her slowly allowing his lips inside her mouth!! The kiss is very soothing for her to heal the pain which she gone through!! She looked at him!! He caressed her hair and kissed her forehead!!

Sam: Onna maari azhagana dhevadhai ah kuduthurka Pappa!!

She cried and snuggled more into his chest!! He kissed her forehead!! The nurse gave the Baby to Sivaangi first!! She got it from her and kissed her tiny hands and her toes!! Sivaangi then gave the baby to Sam!! Literally, his whole body shivered when he carried His Angel!!! He slowly kissed her tiny forehead!! Soon, all came inside and looked their Princess!!! All felt happy and complete when they looked the Happy Family!!🤍 And, they named her "SARA"!!🧿❤️💙✨

Thanks for everyone's love towards this story! I hope I made everyone to smile in some of your tough situations!! Grateful for your love towards every of my stories!! You people literally helped me in many times knowingly and unknowingly!! Much love to everyone!!🤍

Do forgive me for the errors and flaws.!
Do read this as a fanfiction.!
Do share your views in comments!
Thank you! ❤️
Will update the next episode as soon as possible!

And makkaley you can follow me on instagram!


With love,

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