Chapter 7

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Three months had passed by quickly. The weather had cooled down finally and you waddled your way to sit down for a moment. The Top Gun class was running drills as you worked on a plane. You were sitting on your workbench instructing one of the other mechanics on your team. You heard the incredible whoosh of an aircraft taking off and felt it move you as you watched your husband take to the air. You smiled to yourself and returned your attention back to working. Fifteen minute had passed by before you realized you felt this weird popping sensation. "Oomph" you exclaimed. "That felt weird- whoa what the fuck. I think I just peed! No I know I just peed!" You shrieked. Maverick who was standing in the hangar with the rest of the class to take the next group out heard your commotion. He gave you one simple look and you snagged his oxygen mask from his shoulder and put it to your mouth where the microphone was.

"Hey Rooster" you called out.

"Duchess?!" he asked incredulously.

"You better get down here Captain. You're having a baby" you giggled before groaning. You bent over letting out a deep breath. "This is gonna be fun." You deadpanned. Maverick walked behind you as you walked slowly out into the sunlight. You placed your sunglasses on and watched as Rooster zoomed by before turning around in a large semi circle to reduce speed. He landed easily and taxied into his bay. It took him no more than two seconds to turn the engines off and place his feet on the tarmac.

"You doing ok?" He wondered looking at you with wild eyes.

"Just ready to get her out" you grunted rubbing your giant belly. Everyone told you how good you looked but you felt absolutely gigantic. You let Bradley guide you as you waddled towards the parking lot to the building.

"Class dismissed!" he yelled over his shoulder.

"Meet you there Mav" you waved as you kept walking. Luckily you had insisted on keeping the hospital bag in the car for the last two weeks anytime you went anywhere just in case this happened. "Oh fuck!" You moaned as you felt the pain begin to intensify. You were definitely in active labor now. You had to shut your eyes and could barely breathe through the contractions. "Is Stephanie working today?" You asked in between a contraction. Somehow your body felt tired already and you knew you were just at the beginning.

"Yeah she's there, I was talking with Coyote earlier and he was bringing her something to eat." He told you rubbing fast circles on the top of your hand. He was trying to distract you from the pain.

"Damnit Rooster!!!!" You yelled after another had passed. You were in the hospital bed trying to find a comfortable position but that didn't exist. It felt like your vagina was trying to fall off of your body. The pressure building was beginning to become unbearable. "You know I didn't even tell my mom this is happening." You said sadly. "I don't think she'd care" you told him. Rooster bent down to your eye level.

"She doesn't deserve to know. This is for us right now. We can deal with the bad relationships in our life later." He encouraged you making you actually feel better about your choice.

"What should we name her?" You asked as you both stared at paint colors in the store. Your hair was tied in a high ponytail and Roosters hair was wild on top of his head. His curls were beginning to grow out and stubble was trying to appear on his chin. He looked as handsome as ever.

"Sabrina?" He asked, you just made a face and shook your head.

"Nah I watched that show too much growing up, it ruined the name" you told him earning a chuckle. He pulled a pretty shade of pink from the wall and held it up. That's when it hit you like a ton of bricks. You grabbed his hand and gently got his attention placing his large hands on top of your rounded stomach.

"Nichole" you told him softly. His eyes immediately welled up with tears and he sniffled. His face erupted into a giant grin. "I think Nichole is beautiful." He agreed kissing your forehead. You laid your head against his shoulder as you continued to stare at the colorful wall before you.

"Nichole Spencer Bradshaw." He said calmly. There was a peaceful spirit to him now that he had named his child.

"Spencer" you whispered. Now it was your turn to become misty eyed.

"Got you right back. Serves you right making me cry in public" he laughed pulling you into his side. You looked up at the playful husband you chose and felt hopeful for the future.

"This one" you both said at the same time pointing to the same color.

A gentle knock told you someone was asking to come in. You were staring at your sleeping baby in your arms feeling finally complete. You were exhausted but just finished nursing her back to sleep. Rooster was splayed out on the couch. You threw a pack of extra hospital socks at his face hitting the target. His eyes opened giving you a glare. "Go answer the door" you said quietly. Rooster groaned getting up stretching his long limbs. The door opened revealing Maverick holding a bouquet of the reddest roses you had ever seen. His smile was turned all the way up. Penny followed right behind him. Maverick kissed the top of your head and almost fell to pieces when he saw the sweet baby in your arms. "Nichole, meet your grandparents. That's Grandma Penny over there and this - this is your Grandpa Maverick." You told her softly before handing her off to the pilot. He held her as if she was made of glass. He carefully walked to the couch and sat down with her next to Rooster.

"She's beautiful." He laughed trying to choke back the tears that came out of his eyes. "Your dads would be so happy right now." He told you both. Rooster wiped a tear off of his cheek.

"Well I know one dad who is." Penny said as she squeezed Bradley's shoulders.

"How are you feeling sweet pea?" She asked you as she came to check on you.

"I'm so tired Penny." You told her honestly.

"I know you are but it will get easier." She stroked your hair. It was enough to nearly knock you out. In fact it did. You just needed your mom to be with you and Penny had definitely turned into that.

"What day is it?" You asked grumpily. You had barely slept in the last few days. You nursed around the clock and then handed Nichole to her dad for burping and change. While he was doing that you were pumping to have a store in the fridge in case of emergency. That happened every two hours and by the time you went back to sleep Nichole got up again. You felt as if you were in the twilight zone. You were sore and exhausted. Rooster was doing his best to be your strength but he was wiped too. You were taking your daily walk through the neighborhood in the early fall air and sighed happily. As tired and hurt as you were there was nothing better than knowing you started a family with Rooster. You listeners every blight when he thought you were sleeping when he told Nichole how she was named after her grandpa Goose and grandpa Dodger. It warmed your heart knowing how you managed to give him something he could love for the rest of his life. He looked down at her in the stroller and smiled. Rooster seemed so much more stable emotionally than ever before. He was so focused on being the best dad and husband he didn't have time to think about other things. Maybe this was a life you could get used to.

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