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"Now let me go," I whine, drumming against my big brother Rick's chest. "I'm not a child anymore." "But every time I have to think about how you stood here on the platform for the first time!" he sighs theatrically and hugs me again. "Now it's good," I hear my father laughing. He and Mum kiss me on the cheek again, then push me to the train. "Have fun! And I don't want to get any angry letters telling me what you've been up to with the twins again!" my mother admonishes me with a laugh and I wave at her. So this is my sixth year at Hogwarts. The time has flown so quickly, I can't believe what happened. I've made so many amazing friends and a passion for Quidditch came free. And an even greater passion for our team captain. Grinning, I walk through the train, looking for my favorite chaos twins and hear them from afar. Fred and George are sitting in a compartment laughing their heads off at something, probably some nasty joke again. I open the sliding door. "What's the laughter here?" I snap at her, then burst out laughing at the twins' disbelieving faces. It's hard to surprise and shock the two enough to shut up. "Y/n," Fred moans dramatically. "You can't scare us to death!" "You speak, that means you breathe, that means you live," I laugh and throw myself next to him. "And how was your vacation?" "Mum was unbearable after you left," Fred growls now, and I have to laugh. I can vividly imagine that.

I stayed at the Burrow for two weeks to visit Fred and George and of course I was diligent in giving Molly a hand whenever she needed someone. In the evenings we sat comfortably by the fireplace with some butterbeers and she started some stories about my two best friends. In fact, she looked pretty unhappy when I left. She even asked me if I wouldn't rather move into the Burrow because I was the only one who could keep things in order there. "Well, you just don't help either," I say, grinning and shrug. Fred starts to justify himself, but I interrupt him: "Yeah, neither does Ron, I know. Otherwise no one anyway. But you could do something. That would do you no harm!" They both look at me in awe. "Okay," they sigh at the same time and give up trying to contradict me again. The closer we get to Hogwarts, the more jittery I get. I can hardly wait, but it's been like this for three years.

"Wood is three compartments down, if you're curious," Fred says mischievously. "Great," I mumble nervously. I'm definitely not going to walk into his compartment just because I can't wait to see him again. Maybe I would if I had even a glimmer of hope that he'd return my feelings. But I don't have that, so I'll just sit here and adore him from afar and at Quidditch for this school year. "Don't you want to tell him something sometime?" George asks now. I look at him confused and shake my head. "Certainly not!" "How is it ever going to work out then?" Fred asks. Those two are worse than an Inquisitorial Squad when it comes to my not-so-secret love for Oliver Wood. "Not at all," I say simply. I've sort of come to terms with that. There's one thing Oliver loves and that's Quidditch. I've never seen him with any girls and Merlin forbid, that would have broken my heart. I have no hope of ever being able to confess to Oliver that I've loved him from afar for three years now. "Boring," the twins say at the same time and I give them an annoyed look. "Something about me must be boring if you drag me into some shit every two minutes," I mutter. It all seems so easy for the two of them. Go there, tell him my feelings and then everything will be fine. But it wouldn't be like that and that's why I'll leave it. I protect myself from greater harm. The two are already starting to speak back, so I say strictly: "The discussion is now over. Every year the same dilemma and I keep telling you the same thing. Nothing will change, put up with it if even I did." They are not satisfied, I can see that in them. I'm not either, but it's a waste of time to dwell on those thoughts.

Hello everyone, english is my second language
so excuse some spelling mistakes

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