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The next few days of school pass without Angelina bringing up the sensitive subject again and even Fred and George mostly leave me alone

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The next few days of school pass without Angelina bringing up the sensitive subject again and even Fred and George mostly leave me alone. Of course, when I tell them I'm going to Hogsmeade with Oliver, they're absolutely thrilled, because they absolutely take it as a date, while I think it's a mini-team meeting. Still, I can't deny my tummy tingles just thinking about the fact that I'm going to be spending some alone time with Oliver after school and that he asked me out and not the other way around! And finally, Saturday is just around the corner. It's quite cool outside, but at least it's still dry. Thick gray clouds cavort in the sky, only occasionally a ray of sunshine makes it through the ceiling. I slip into a black tube skirt and black pantyhose with a diamond pattern underneath. Then I slip into my black leather boots and pull a tight wine-red hoodie over my head. I look at myself in the mirror and hope I look good enough. But it's not a date, so it doesn't really matter anyway. I walk down to the Great Hall. That's a lot of sport today. Ran into the hall, ate something, ran upstairs, quickly changed clothes, and now back again below. And there Oliver is already waiting. Funnily enough, he also wears a burgundy hoodie and dark, tighter jeans. He looks way too gorgeous. "Hey, Y/n," he says, smiling and offering me his arm with a grin. My stomach flips over and I have to suppress a stupid giggle. We sit down in the "Three Broomsticks" in Hogsmeade and order a Butterbeer each and then Wood begins. He tells me what he intends to do, especially as far as the final is concerned. He talks and talks and explains and gestures and I'm always amazed by his fighting spirit. "Do you have any other suggestions?" he finally asks me breathlessly. "Hmm," I do. "I think it's extremely important that we know all of our opponent's weaknesses. Especially in the lineup. We have to know every gap and use every weakness to our advantage. For example, a clumsy Guardian is a major weakness, as is an incompetent Beater, which can only be an advantage. The only problem is that we only really see it all when the time comes. And I don't think that the others bother with such things when they are already in the middle of the action." Oliver nods. "You're definitely right about that. We can only make guesses about each house based on past experience.” He waves to Madam Rosmerta and asks her to bring him a pad and a pen. She's not thrilled, but who can resist Oliver? A few minutes later she comes back with writing utensils and Oliver is scribbling wildly on the paper. "Hufflepuff," he murmurs and scribbles, occasionally asking me about things I've noticed. Finally I say, "I think we should focus more on Slytherin. They're pretty strong this year and more sneaky than usual. I could  well imagine that we have to play against them at the end.” He looks at me with big eyes. "I haven't seen it like that before. God, Y/n, you're a genius! What would I do without you?" My cheeks are burning and I have to smile, but I don't know what to say, so I just talk about the other houses' tactics for a while until we've written over ten pages of notes and solutions together. "Phew, if that doesn't help now, then I don't know what to do anymore..." Oliver sighs and clasps his hands behind his head. "Oh, what!" I say, smiling. "That has to be the solution. We can do it, it would be laughable!” He smiles at me. "As dogged as you are, I actually believe in it now." I shrug. "I just have to carry and spread the motivation of the others in addition to mine, otherwise it won't work." Since it is already quite dark, we leave the "Three Broomsticks" a little later and walk back to Hogwarts. "You're really remarkable," says Oliver with a grin and puts an arm around my shoulders. These spots tingle and I have to suppress a giggle, but very carefully put my arm around his waist. "Why?" I ask a little jitterily. "You're an absolute Quidditch genius," he murmurs now. "You're the only one on the team who cares about the tactics and the games and you're really good at it. Above all, don't give up. You're like a Kniesel, who spotted a Minimuff.” "Well thanks." I laugh. "That was a compliment," he says quickly, looking up at me apologetically. "Then I'll believe you," I murmur with a grin and the way to the castle seems much faster today, so close to Oliver. Eventually we arrive arm in arm in the common room where Fred, George, Angelina, Harry, Ron and Hermione are sitting and they all wiggle their eyebrows at us. We stand a little apart and Oliver smiles at me after unfortunately taking his arm off my shoulders. "Thanks for the great day. I think we've come a long way. The chances are good." I smile. "That's fine then." Then I nod to the dormitories. "I'm pretty exhausted, I'll go upstairs then. I wish you a nice evening." Then I kind of escape. It's enough that the others saw that we were walking around arm in arm, they're going to annoy me even more than they usually do in the next few days. I fall into bed and pull back the curtains me around so that Angelina doesn't get the idea of ​​annoying me again later. Then I pull the covers up to my chin and grin happily. Well, it wasn't a date, but Oliver praised me. And if that's all I can get, I'll gladly take it with both hands.

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