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Oliver doesn't leave the hospital wing until the morning because he has to go to class and because Madam Pomfrey angrily shooed him out

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Oliver doesn't leave the hospital wing until the morning because he has to go to class and because Madam Pomfrey angrily shooed him out. "Well, at least you're looking a lot better, Miss Y/l/n," she says, somewhat satisfied. "Wood is good for you." "You can take poison on it!" I slip out and laugh embarrassed. "So.. you know, the saying. But I'm sure you'd have an antidote, too." "There again you can take poison on it, Miss Y/l/n." She replies with a mischievous smile and winks at me. "Nevertheless, you should sleep now. You've been up all night, you definitely need to rest. After all, knowing you, you don't want to stay here any longer than necessary. Incidentally, it was really dumb to swing on the broom with the injury." "I know, sorry. But..." I start and she interrupts me: "Yeah, but it was worth it to you. That's clear." "Besides, I already got a moral sermon from Oliver.", I say with a grin and she nods hastily. "Then let's just let it be. Go to sleep now." With that she scuttles away and I snuggle into the pillow, putting as little pressure on my broken shoulder as possible. I grin like a honey cake horse and have to squeak happily again and again. I've been waiting to hear those words from Oliver for three years and in the end I just had to fall off my broom, sort of.I lie awake for an unbelievably long time, a few hours, until I finally fall asleep. I sleep soundly and when I wake up it's already light again and Oliver is sitting by my bed. "24 hour sleep, not bad. How did your cheeky mouth put up with that?" he asks with a smug grin. "You were here? And didn't you wake me up?" I ask him angrily. "Of course not," he laughs. "You need enough sleep to get fit again quickly. And I mean... you're going to be released tomorrow at noon, I think. At least that's what Madam Pomfrey sounded like." "Finally!" I exclaim happily. "I really can't take it anymore." "You poor tortured creature," Oliver mumbles dryly. "You're having a hard time." "Hey!" I snap. "How about pity for your girlfriend?" His expression softens. So.. I just decided that I'm his girlfriend now. Maybe I should have asked him. But I think he's okay with that. "That sounds so incredibly good." He says quietly and smiles lovingly at me. Then he bends over me and kisses me, slowly and tenderly. I part my lips and feel him nudge my tongue with his. I place my hands on his cheeks and enjoy the feel of his fingertips against my jaw. "So he wasn't bluffing." I suddenly hear the Weasley Twins call and reluctantly let go of Oliver and look at her questioningly."Not bluffing with what?" "That you guys made the jump too!" Laughs Fred. "At first we thought he was hallucinating." George adds with a grin and the two step closer. "About time." They then say in unison and I have to laugh heartily. "You guys are the coolest best friends anyone can have, you know that?" The two shrug their shoulders. "Who else is going to get along with you?" "Everyone picks on me!" I complain, laughing. "Hello, I'm hurt! I almost died according to Oliver, could you please take note of that?" "As much as you're blathering on, you're definitely still alive." Oliver laughs now and I glare at him, but I still have to smile. The three stay for quite a while and Oliver later says goodbye to me with a smile. "I'll pick you up here tomorrow. Don't you dare leave without me and do some shit again!" "Okay, Wood. Calm down," I reply, smiling. "Good, Y/l/n. do your job I love you," he says sternly, and I laugh as he kisses me. "Always, Captain, I would never think of anything else." I call after him, my heart almost bursting in my chest with happiness. I force myself to sleep, squint my eyes, count minimuffs until I'm finally gone. That's how time goes by faster.

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