Chapter 5

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The sun was bright, the day was nice and it was all so calming. A total contradiction to what was going on in my life. I was on my way to the bakery, like any other morning, except today, there was a caramel skinned hunk strapped into the seat next to me. Oh and don't forget the part where he's a demon who hunts demons and is protecting me because some psycho is summoning the little monsters from hell and sending them after me. And the fact that my bakery was nothing more than a pile of debris. Can't forget that, right?

Eyes on the street ahead, I thought about how he had looked last night, stretched out on my futon. Were all demon hunters this scrumptious? Were there even any that fit the portrayal of the little red creature with the horns, tail and pitchfork? I realized that I had chuckled out loud. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dominic eyeing me.

"What is funny?" He asked, his usually smooth voice holding just a spec of huskiness.

"Oh I don't know...Maybe the fact that you're a big bad demon slash demon hunter and here you are, sitting in my tiny mini coup."

His dark brows furrowed, "I don't find that funny. This is not a joke."

It sure seems like one, I thought to myself, shaking my head at him and turning the car into the bakery parking lot. Lila's silver Acura was already there, the morning sunlight glinting off of its roof. She was standing outside it, leaning against the driver's door, her arms crossed. As soon as I pulled up, she stomped towards my car, anger clear across her usually smiling face. I would have called her the night before but my phone had been fried with everything else and I would not have even known what the hell to even say anyways.

"What the fuck happened Acacia?!" Lila yelled, gesturing to the scorched building.

"Not sure. I think the oven exploded." I replied a little too nonchalantly, opening my car door and getting out. She backed up to give me space but kept her arms crossed and her lips pursed.

"Yeah, like insurance is going to believe that!" Lila finally realized that someone else was in the car and she ducked down to look through the window. "Who the hell is this?"

Dominic unbuckled his seat belt and exited the car, towering over its top at his height. He looked over at my best friend, her dirty blonde hair in a messy pony tail, and her face flushed with anger. Reaching over the top of the car, he held out his hand to her, "My name is Dominic"

Lila turned and looked at me, eyebrows raised as if asking "New boy toy?"

Shaking my head, I dug into my purse until I found what I was looking for. Holding out the card to Lila, I explained, "Here is the number for the insurance agency. Call them; tell them that we pulled up this morning to this and that we don't know what happened."

"Ugh...Why do I have to call them?" She said, taking the card and examining it.

"Because my phone is nonexistent." I opened the car door, "Stop by soon for dinner, okay? We haven't had much girl time lately."

She spun on her suede covered heels and headed back to her car. Before getting into it, she called over her shoulder, "I deserve a nice big bottle of good wine for this!" With that, she pulled open her car door, slid in, started the ignition and pulled out. Sitting in the driver's seat, my legs still out the door of my car, I waved to her as she drove off. She'd be asking questions later and I had no idea how I would answer them. Seeing that the passenger seat was empty and that Dominic was still standing outside, I asked, "What are you doing? We have shit to do."

He slid into his seat, his expression completely serious. "You cannot tell her anything Acacia. You cannot trust anyone right now."

Turning the key in the ignition, I laughed, "Lila isn't dangerous. Well maybe to a bottle of wine, but that's about the only thing she poses any sort of threat to." 

"Whether you think she is or is not does not matter. Do not speak of what is happening to anyone."

Like anyone would believe me if I even tried, I thought, pulling out of the parking lot and switching the left blinker on. I needed a new cell phone immediately and coffee. Coffee first.

"I won't. Now buckle up. I don't care if you're big and bad and whatever else. I can't afford a ticket right now." My financial situation was tight at best. The revenue from the bakery had supplied barely enough to cover building rent, and my own bills as well as paying the help. I was already a month behind on my electricity bill and now I was having to buy a new cell phone. Hopefully insurance covered the damage to bakery, because I would be thousands in debt if not.

A Starbucks drive through loomed up ahead and I switched lanes to pull into it. A blended white mocha later and I was good to go. Though a nice, moist cupcake would have definitely perked up my mood right about now.  My stomach growled at the thought of it and I decided that I'd be making a batch whenever I got home.

"That drink is pure sugar. It's not good for you." Dominic interrupted my thoughts as I sipped my frappe through the trademark green straw.

"Yeah well neither is being hunted down by demons, but we can't help that, can we?"



            The way she had her lips wrapped around that green straw, sucking up the chilled drink drove me crazy. I wanted to make her pull the damn car over that instant and have that mouth on my cock, sucking at it, the way she was at that drink. I wanted to bury my fingers in her red curls, to have her under my control, to please me as I commanded.

I forced myself to drag my eyes away, and to stare out at the buildings passing by. Though I loved her little remarks full of attitude whenever she caught me looking, I did not want to unsettle her again. She might act tough but she was part human and humans had notoriously fragile emotions and minds.

She set down the drink and grasped the steering wheel in both hands, and I found myself imagining what else those hands could wrap around. Why the hell could I not control these thoughts? Why did this human woman have such an impression on them? I clenched my jaw, and my fists to keep from reaching out for her.

"Where are we going now?" I asked through gritted teeth.

She brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and turned the wheel. "To the mall across town. That's where the nearest RadioShack is unfortunately. I need a new phone since you turned mine in to bbq last night."

"You should not be out in public right now Acacia. If a demon were to attack out here, it would not spare any innocents." I warned her. She was not taking this situation as seriously as she should have been. I hoped that the summoner was not stupid enough to send a demon out in the broad of daylight but if he were, I would not be able to save everyone around us. Lesser demons did not spare innocents just because they weren't their main target. They reveled in killing and feasting on as many souls as they could devour at once.

She rolled her emerald eyes at me, "I'm just grabbing a phone and that's it. Calm the fuck down, demon boy."

"Do not call me boy." I growled, nearly ripping the car door off as I opened it to step out.

"Jeez, don't take it out on my poor little car." Acacia said, locking the vehicle and dropping her keys into her red purse that matched the tight red jeans she had on that rewarded me a delicious view of the shape of her perfectly round ass as she walked past me and towards the entrance of the large cluster of buildings up ahead.

About 20 feet away, she stopped and looked over her shoulder at me, a smirk on her face, "Are you coming or what, boy?"

I growled and followed after her, vowing that I'd prove to her just how much of a man I was.

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