Ch 6. Answers Just Bring More Questions

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Yoichi's POV

Yoichi walked stiffly into the room next to the one his brother was being held in, immediately noticing something was off about them. Through the one way glass, he noted that All For One looked almost confused. It was as if they were trying to remember how they got there, however that wasn't something they would have shown to anyone.

They hadn't shown emotion since their Vault incident, after that it was almost like a cord was cut and nothing was shown through their mask. If there was one thing Yoichi was good at, having been raised in an abusive household, it was reading people. He could pick fake emotions from their real counterparts, All For One was showing real emotions.

"He's showing emotions." Yoichi muttered and Moeta turned to him in mild confusion, clearly not understanding what that meant.

"So, he's a good actor." Moeta grumbled slightly, glaring through the glass to the white haired man on the other side." What's that got to do with anything, he's fooled people before with his acting."

"You don't understand, I grew up in a less then pleasant household." Yoichi stated, looking intensely at his brother." One of the main skills I had to learn was how to identify fake or real emotions...what was fake and would get me hurt, or what was real and would keep me safe."

Moeta frowned, sending a quick look towards him.

"So what are you saying?" Moeta asked carefully." That maybe that isn't All For One? They certainly looks like that bastard, white curly eyes...suit, despite being torn and damaged."

"No, what I am saying is...that isn't All For One, that's Hisashi Shigaraki." Yoichi stated gesturing to the man on the other side." My brother hasn't gone by his name since he threw me into the Vault for years. Yet as soon as you asked them for a name, he introduced himself by his first and last name."

Moeta frowned, but nodded slowly.

"That doesn't explained what's going on, or who's trying to kill them." Moeta said softly, looking torn between supporting him and following their instincts.

" doesn't." Yoichi muttered under his breath, before he walked over to the door leading into the cell and opened it. He ignored the hissed protest of Moeta, focusing on the task at hand. Interrogating his brother...

Almost as soon as he came into view, his brothers face lit up like someone told them it was Christmas tomorrow and they were a child. It reminded him of the look his brother used to give when they were younger, about fifteen or so years ago. However that didn't mean anything yet, perhaps his brother had just gotten better at acting.

"Yoi? I-Is" Hisashi asked warily, but Yoichi didn't say a word until he was directly in front of his brother.

"What is the date...please include the year." Yoichi stated, firmly and with a no nonsense tone.

"August 5th, 2038." Hisashi replied immediately and Yoichi closed his eyes, that confirmed at least one of his theories. Just their luck that Hisashi had lost his memories, he didn't know what to do with an amnesiac All For One.

It was a moral dilemma, could someone prosecute someone who didn't ever remember committing the crime they were being punished for? It was no better then framing someone for a crime they never committed, it was wrong in Yoichi opinion. However was his brother an exception to his opinion, or should he just treat it like he would with anyone else in this situation?

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