The reveal seperation

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Justin's pov:
I heard my parents yell at me to stop. I couldn't stop punching max. No,I didn't want to stop punching max. Gosh I'm really a horrible person.......I know that my parents will get mad at me for this but do I care,no.

I then heard Adam whimper and then I looked up to see him looking at me in horror. He was crying. He was releasing distressed pheromones. I looked around myself then saw everyone back away from me.I then saw my hands and their was blood everywhere. I killed him........But did I stop,no I just kept punching even harder.

I then heard Adam yell " JUSTIN!!STOP THIS CRAP!! " I then stopped and let go of him. I then stood up and looked at him. I heard his friend boxy whispered " Adam.......please stay away from him,his eyes are red and probably even his omega won't calm him down "

He then looked at me and said " why Justin......." I stayed quiet. He said " why did you do that!! ANWSER!! " his dad said " Adam,
I know that Justin is your friend but you really shouldn't do this " my dad said " Justin,I'm very disappointed in you today "

I looked at the floor. Adam said " are my mate Justin,you didn't have to kill my best friend max- " I said " yes I did Adam, because you know why,he liked you Adam,no cross that out LOVED you Adam,how dense can you be,and yes I'm your mate but I see the way that you saw him "

Adam was about to say something because my dad said " Justin,is Adam your mate......." I nodded. He said " Justin,you know that people from opposite packs can't date " I said " oh come on just say what my push ment will be "

Adams dad said " and what your punishment will be Adam " I growled at him then grabbed Adam protectively then growled. His dad looked at my dad then nodded. My dad said " we won't do anything to Adam if you stop seeing him,actually we won't see each other at all so it's fine "

I panicked. Adam then nodded and went to his dad and said " I'm sorry dad for my mate " I
Felt like shit. Is it that wrong to have a mate from the opposite pack.

My dad then said " Farewell im sorry for my son but we cannot meet anymore " the other pack leaders nodded and then they separated.

2 Weeks later

I hate this stupid rule. I haven't been able to sleep and I am craving for my omegas touch.
His affection. I need him. The stupid rules went back the same. We only went out in the night again,Adam day,the irrelevant ones in the afternoon.

Today I thought that I would go to the forest durning day. Well so would foxy and Justine since they were the only ones who stayed by my
Side and didn't ignore me since they knew that I had completely gone insane.


Daytime came and me,foxy,and Justine were running in the woods looking for our omegas.
Then we splitted up so we couldn't be noticed as much.

I then smelt the smell of my omega,he had eye bags and looked like a mess. But he was still the most handsome , attractive , hot , cute , adorable omega that I have ever seen.

I then went up to him and said " hey Adam " he looked at me but then turned away. I then went back home since he had ran away but I kept coming back every single day and he just kept ignoring me.

Foxy and boxy were dating now and Justine and Adams sister were also dating and Adam was just ignoring me. Ok I may have killed his friend but he had a crush on him!

Until just today adam agreed on meeting me every afternoon,after this week ended! yall May be wondering why every afternoon,it's because none of our packs are out to snitch on our family and the betas won't since they cannot see our packs anymore.

1 week later

Today was the day on that I was supposed to meet Adam. He was waiting silently in the woods looking at the sunset. I smiled but when he felt my presence he looked horrified. He then said " w-what do you want Justin "

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