Help me my beloved

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(Ngl but I'm losing my motivation.......
But that's just because I'm lazy lol and never want to do anything!! However I refuse to stop!! 😌 there is already not
Enough adstin writers so I will not
Give up yayyy)

Adams pov:
" mhm!! Let me go you moron!! " A guy said " and why should I my love " as he took off his mask. There stood a tall blonde green eyed boy with fluffy hair.

I said " don't call me that,What do you want from me dumbass " the guy said " what a
bitchy mouth you got there love " I rolled my eyes. Then I saw boxy and adeline next to me and 2 other people next to the one in front of me. On on his right and the other on his left.

Adeline said " hellooo are you gonna answer
or not " The guy just said " and why should I 
" Then they left the room. Boxy mumbled
" what a bitch......."Adam tried to get out
of the handcuffs but they were silver,Silver
is deadly to wolves.

Adam said " don't try to break the hand cuffs they are silver " Boxy said " Where are they "
Foxy said " They are probably coming here,
Let's just try to not get killed "

With the alphas

Justin,foxy,and Justine were running down
the forest trying to smell their mates sent. They Were gonna go insane if they don't see their Mates.

Justin was thinking of the worst things possible. Until he could smell a familiar
sent.His ears perked up and he immediately started Looking around.

He looked at Justine and foxy. They looked
At him and nodded. That's all they needed to
Know that they each could smell their omega.

Justin heard howling. Without any hesitation
He ran. Justine and foxy running beside him.
However they only saw a cave. But the strong
Coming from the cave was super strong.

And so were the howling sounds. Justin
started walking but was stopped by 10
alphas. . All 3 of them got in a triangle. Justin let out a growl,However Justin's growl came
Out oddly more powerful then before.

Justine,and foxy had to struggle to stay on
Their legs and not kneel. Had Justin became
Stronger? Meanwhile the alphas fell on the
Floor and started shaking.

Justine and foxy walked closer to Justin.
They saw that Justin was looking down. Foxy
And Justine both got infront of Justin and
Saw his eyes being scarlet.

Those eyes looked so powerful. Foxy and
Justine felt their knees going weak. Until
They saw Justin falling to the floor. He fell
To his knees and suddenly and snake
Wrapped around his body and vanished.

Foxy said " His wolf is taking the pain that they are giving Adam " Justine said " But the
Snake " Foxy said " Shit.......Dark Magic.
It's a curse "

Justin then got up feeling dizzy and walked
To the cave. Once they arrived they were met
With more alphas. Suddenly the snake
Appeared behind Justin and started killing
All of them. However that also left a scar on

His blood was dripping down his arm. It's as
If,whenever he used the snake he would also
Get hurt. Foxy said " Use your wolf Justin "
Justin said " He's helping take the pain
a-away from Adam "

Foxy and Justine wanted to do something but
They were in a moment of panic. Once Justin
Heard the howling sounds and the send that
he knew very well he started running their.

Once he arrived he saw some wolfs touching
His mate. Adam was howling. His eyes were
Dark blue. Justin suddenly felt dizzy. Then
He felt his body move. He wasn't in control.

It was his wolf. Once Adams wolf sensed his
Wolf he started whining. Justin said " stay
Still love " Adams wolf obeying his alpha.
The other wolfs looked back but the snake
Snapped their necks.

Justin was bleeding even more. Adam
went back in control and saw his mate bleeding. Adam was about to move but the handcuffs Were silver.

Justin went to Adam and broke the
handcuffs. He did the same to the others. Adam grabbedHis hands and they were bleeding very badly.He saw the snake and looked back at Justin's Arm.

There was a little snake mark on Justin's marm.It looked like a tattoo. The snake just disappeared. Adam said " what happened
foxy And Justine" Foxy and Justine looked
At each other and stayed quiet

Foxy said " we were at the front of this cave
, and Justin used his alpha voice on these
alpha wolves and they kneeled. Adam we almost kneeled to another alpha. And
suddenly a snake wrapped around him and disappeared.It's like whenever he uses the snake he will Get hurt somehow "

Adam said " Wait did you say that ALPHA'S
Kneeled to him " Justine said " yeah,As she said even we almost kneeled " Adam said "
Wait what rank is Justin "

Foxy said " A alpha " Adam said " A alpha!
Wait what color eyes did he have " Foxy said
" Scarlet " Adam said " Justie,What are you really " Justin looked at the floor and said "
A.......True blood alpha "

They all stayed quiet and he said " I'm a t-true
Blood,It's a curse, If I get reborned I will
Always be a true blood. I didn't want to tell
You guys because True bloods are known for
Being super violent and heartless "

Justin said " Please don't be mad......." They
All stayed quiet. They felt sad And mad that Justin Didn't tell them. They Felt betrayed.
Justin said " I'm sorry. " he was about to
Walk away before everyone tackled him to the
Floor and hugged him.

Foxy said " Yes I'm pissed,But I will be more
Pissed if you think like that about us " Adeline
Said " We practically are family already. Well
We haven't gotten married already but we will
Some day "

Justine turned pink at what her girlfriend
said.They all just laughed and got up to
go back home since they were still hurt
After all.

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