Unstoppable mates

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A few months later (Justin's pov)

Adam,Adeline,and boxy have been getting stronger and now they are at a strong omega level almost at a beta level. Me,foxy and Justine are as usual at a alpha level.

Adams strength is using poison and his weakness is combat. Boxys strength is sniping and his weakness is poison. And adelines strength is disguises to trick the enemy and weakness is also sniping. Omegas do that since they mostly have alphas do the combat since the alphas are faster and stronger then omegas.

Suddenly the alarm rung!! I looked at my boyfriend and he panicked. Everyone in the room immediately went to get the weapons that they were best at. Adam grabbed a chemical and a syringe. Boxy grabbed a shot gun. And adeline grabbed a disguise. Me,
Foxy,And Justine grabbed daggers,guns,
and bombs.

We had no time to meet up with our packs so we just went to fight and hopefully we would meet them there and reunite at the battle field.

We saw the wolves come towards us and we quickly got ready to fight. Wolves came towards Adam and I punched them towards a tree and Adam poisoned them so they were numb and then boxy shot them.

Adeline dressed up as the enemy so she blend in. Justine threw a bomb were the wolves
were coming from and that took out many
of them. Foxy took care of many wolves with her pure strength.

The battle took many hours until it came to a end.

Or so we thought.

" JUSTIN!! Hel-......." I looked at my back and they were taking my mate away. I ran after them but couldn't seem to catch up. Then I heard adeline yell " CRAP!! They got m-......." Justine was also running after adeline. And foxy was separated from her mate.

And there we stood in a blood battle field with dead body's everywhere.

Without our mates

(Srry that this a a short chapter it's just that it's New Years and I want to spend time with my family making fireworks
While also uploading a chapter for you guys.Happy New Years )

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