Do you still love me?

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(Ahhh!! We are almost done with this
Book😭😭this is the 2nd last chapter!
I have so many regrets of some
decisions I made while writing this book.So I Might re-write this book in
the future But I don't really know since
I still have a lot of books to finish in
this account and in my other account , JustAAdstinShipper)

•A few weeks later•

Justin had been paying less and less
attention on Adam and his kids ever since
he became the Head/pack alpha. Justin
nearly every  got home.

Adam heard baby cries so he went to the baby room. Adam picked both of them up and smiled. But started tearing up and fell to the
Floor. He needed his alpha. His heat was nearing and he needed Justin to spend some
Time with their kids.

Adeline and boxy both walked in the room.
Boxy and adeline sat down next to him. Adeline said " Look he's just worried about
Being a bad leader,He still loves you trust
me "

Adam said " I-I know b-but I want him to
S-spend some time with m-me and o-our
Kids. T-They n-need him " Adam got up
And took them to the bathroom.

He placed them in the bathroom tub and
Started washing them. Once they were done
Taking a shower he dressed them. Adam said
" P-Please I need him "

Adeline looked at boxy and said " He Might
be busy " Adam nodded and he wiped his
Tears away. Adam picked up his babies and
Took them to the living room.

Adam said " Can you hold them? I need to
Make something to eat " Adeline and boxy
Nodded. Then 3 certain wolfs walked in.
The omegas looked to the door and smiled.

Boxy saw foxy. Adeline saw Justine. And
Adam Had saw Justin. Justin walked over
to his Boyfriend and said " Hey baby " Adam said " Hey justie!! You are home!! " as he wrapped His arms around Justin's neck.

Justin said " Yeah,I know I have been
distant To you recently so I will try to make
it up to You and our kids " Adam said "
Really!! " Justin picked him up from his
waist and said " Yes,so don't forget to doll yourself up in a Few minutes "

Adam said " Jamie and Andy are gonna be so happy!! They always feel comfort when you
Are holding them!!" Justin said " Talking
About them,where are they? "

Adam went over to the couch and picked
up His babies. Boxy and adeline didn't even notice since they were too busy talking with their Alpha.

As soon as Justin saw them the kids were
Giggling. Justin held them as if they were
Glass that if he touched too rough it would
break. Justin said " They are getting quite
Big aren't then " Justin smiled and he looked
At his boyfriend.

Justin said " You are so beautiful......." Adam
Blushed and he said " Y-You Flirt!! " Justin
Grabbed Adam by his chin and went closer.
He said " Why are your eyes red? Were you
Crying? "

Adam started panicking and he went numb.
Justin took a deep breath and he said " It's
Because of me right......." Adam didn't know
Want to say at that moment.

Justin let out a emotionless chuckle. Justin
Said " I'm sorry......." He sat down on a
Stool and said " I am just worried about
The pack " Adams hands went from his
neck to His hair.

He started playing with his hair. He said "
Love Don't blame yourself,it's just that you
Are worried about the pack " Justin looked
At Adam with teary eyes.

Justin said " Y-Yes but It's my
responsibility To take care of you and our
kids. As their Father and head alpha I need
to protect you Guys " Adam smiled and said " You are already A great father Justie "

Justin said " Look I promise that I will
Make it up later today " Adam said " I'm sure
You will " Justin smiled and sniffled. Adam
Said " Now stop crying you big baby!! "

Justin just chuckled and said " Ok bye babe,
I'll pick you up later " Adam nodded. Justin
Gave Adam a quick peck on the lips and walked

Once Justin walked away Adam slid to the ground. He smiled and blushed as he
Thought of his handsome boyfriend.
Adam got back up and he started making
Some food,but Jamie grabbed his shirt.

Adam said " Yes princess? " Jaime cried.
Adam said " You are hungry? " Jaime hugged
Andy and cried. Adam said " You both are
Hungry? " Jaime smiled.

Adam said " Ok let me just- " Adam turned off
The stove and he went up to their room.
Adam sat on a beanbag and he took off his
Shirt. He un attached one of his bra straps
And he pulled it down.

Once he did Jaime and Andy ate their meal.
And Once they were done Adam re attached the Strap it the bra and put his shirt back on.

He went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Then he washed the dishes and he walked upstairs to choose his outfit as well as his kids outfits. You may be thinking that's it's not that hard to choose a outfit. But he spent 3 hours choosing a outfit for himself.

He only stopped because it was lunch. He ate again and so did the babies. He spent a few more hours to choose the outfit And went to the shower. He took a long bath to treat himself.

He got changed and smiled once he looked
At himself. He went outside and picked up his
Babies from the bed. He washed them and changed them.

Adam picked them up and went to the living room once he was finished doing his make up and everything.

He saw Justin sitting on the couch. Justin
Said " It's about time love " Adam said " For H-How long were you waiting? " Justin said " I can wait even longer for you guys "

He took their babies from Adams hands
and Held them. Justin said " Babe before I
take you to our date can you come outside
with me " Adam said " Sure? "

Justin took the love of his life outside and
Once Adam stepped a foot outside there was
Flower petals all over the backyard. Adam got closer and realized that it spelt out something. It spelt out " Will you marry me? "

Adam looked at Justin with teary eyes and said " YES!! " He hugged Justin and kissed him. Justin took out a ring and slipped it on Adams Finger.

Justin said " I was busy because I was
planning this for a while " Adam said "
Thank you so much love!! " Justin hugged adam by his Waist and all their friends
came out the bushes.

Foxy said " Congratulations!! " Justine
said " Damn congrats! " Boxy wiped his tears away And adeline was straight up sobbing.

Justin looked at his fiancée and smiled. He
Was gonna spend the rest of his life with the
Person he loved. Of course he was gonna be

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