Harry Potter

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Something was wrong.

Something was terribly wrong.

Harry had started off with a fairly normal day, or what was normal enough in the Dursley household.

Wake up to yelling from Petunia, make breakfast, get bothered by Dudley, do chores, more screaming, tend to the garden, maybe get a belt beating from Vernon after a bad day at work, fix dinner, and finally get shoved into the small room under the stairs.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

But today was different for Harry, Vernons' sister Marge had visited again with her rotten dog, that might as well be her own child.

He suffered from more emotional damage because Marge had such an interest in Harry's parents, and tearing them down as if they were lowly creatures that had been fortunate to have been finished off in a car crash. She also listed everything about Harry that she thought were traits from his dreadful parents that she imagined in her mind and short insights from her brother she over exaggerated.

Finally it was supper time, and Marge struck up another conversation about his parents.

"What job did you say they had again Vernon?"

"None I am aware of—"

"Ah possibly homeless thugs, it's a wonder they ever would have thought to want a needy child that requires care from more proper people." Marge makes this sound like a light tragedy. She reaches down with her glass and lets her spoiled dog lap it up like honey, while doing a baby voice as she happily praises him.

Harry couldn't DEAL with this verbal abuse anymore. The woman had never even met his parents in the first place! WHAT RIGHT DID SHE HAVE TO SAY A SINGLE THING ABOUT THEM?!!!

Suddenly, a dusty tendril shot out from the darkest shadow in the kitchen and smacked Marge right off her chair when she was still crouched over. She rolled over against the closed parlor doors, and everything was silent for only a few minutes while Marge tried to get her bearings.

Vernon exploded at Harry and tried to lunge at him unsuccessfully from his side of the table. Thankfully Harry snapped out of it and managed to get out of his clawing reach. Harry shot off and tripped over the chair as he ran down the hall, hearing his Uncle's thundering footsteps behind him as he opened and slammed the door closed.

Harry ran until he found a park farther down the street before he stopped and fell into the grass in exhaustion. He thought about his life so far as he tried to catch his breath.

Why did he have to go through this? What did he actually do to deserve this? Just from existing? What was that whisp that struck down Marge? Did all eight year olds have to go through this?

Thoughts like this and many others ran through his mind until something in him snapped.

He cried out loud as he felt the pain he had went through from the beginning living with the Dursleys spring forth. Unbeknownst to him, the area around him began to be affected, a heavy wind suddenly circulated around the playground while the merry go round spun rapidly, the seats of the swing sets flapped around in the air, the sand from the sandbox lifted high into the spinning siphon and became black, branches from a few trees breaking off. Lightning shot through the night sky and thunder pounded down, adding to the chaos.

But that wasn't the only change.

Harry felt an unsettling itch all over underneath his skin, his tears started to hurt as he tried to scratch but his body shook all over. His skin almost glowed and dimmed like a pulse of a rapidly quickening heartbeat as his body turned a dark grey, almost black. His eyes and tears turned silvery white, his veins and arteries glowing red through his body.

A single bolt of lightning shot right into the center, and struck into his scar, an explosion sprung from his body after the wind and elements slammed into a barrier that was trying to protect him.

A single bolt of lightning shot right into the center, and struck into his scar, an explosion sprung from his body after the wind and elements slammed into a barrier that was trying to protect him

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By now the entire neighborhood was wide awake as people gathered around the aftermath.

The ground overturned and uneven, with play set equipment broken and lodged haphazardly into the soil. But that wasn't what drew their attention.

Their eyes were all collectively pointed to the crater in the center of the playground. Dust, black sand, and mist rose into the air to form into an indescribable entity floating around mid air without shape. A series of silent explosions glowing from the darkness.

But none could see a scared and frightened silhouette of a small boy inside.

Another boy stood away from the crowd, picked up a rock, and threw it at the black mass, causing an unforgettable chain of events.

Startled, the Obscurial swelled and destroyed whatever was around the perimeter of the playground, wrecking nearby automobiles and throwing whoever was most unfortunate to be near it. The people screamed and spread out in fear as corners of the buildings crumbled in it's wake.

Distantly, if one were paying attention, an old man with a beard so long he could tuck it in his pants, stood distantly from it all with a look of utmost fear the only emotion present on his weathered face.

He couldn't understand how this happened. When he sent the small baby boy to live with his muggle Aunt, he didn't think she would do anything against her own nephew. He only heard of Petunia in passing from her sister, Lily, when she got a few unpleasant letters from her in her time at Hogwarts. His only reasoning in sending the boy to his Aunt in the first place was that she was Lily's sister, and that no matter the bad blood between them, she would surely care for her nephew, but clearly that seems to have been his greatest mistake.

Quickly the man disappeared in a fit of light, surely to gather help in subduing this abomination.

But none would notice a small beetle happily documenting this juicy piece of news that would without a doubt be front page.

Hi everyone! I found the picture for this chapter on a wacky website, and the art was made by a Jacob Noble, his Instagram should near the bottom of the picture if you wanna check him out.

The link to the website is here:

Such a shame that links don't work.

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