Neville x reader

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"What are you up to now?" I ask curiously, as Neville works on something from one of his classes.

"Oh! Just something from Herbology, I am trying to classify plants and what they can do in medicines and remedies." he cheerfully stated as he looks up for a moment, only to return to the leather bound tome sitting on his lap.

"Oh! Perhaps I can help you study. Is that a Scarlet Flower?" I pointed to a drawing of a bright orange fern on the crinkly old parchment. (Author: Ok I don't know what they really have for ingredients or whatever, just roll with it.)

"Good eye (Y/N)! Yes, and it says here that,' besides the noticeable color given for its name, the fern also possesses some dust chemicals made after a Phoenix burns in its ash to death, only to later be reborn again as a hatchling. And-" His words get drown out as I fondly look at his dark mop of messy hair. "and so that's what makes them valuable in healing severe injuries.' Fascinating, right (Y/N)?"

"Huh? O, um, yes pretty cool!" I cheerfully state, even though I feel my cheeks blush pink.

"You alright there, (Y/N)? You look like you're turning colors." He stands close to you as he puts his book down on the ground.

"F-fine!!" I stutter out at his close proximity to me.

Neville gently cups his hand on my cheek, concern crossing his features as he looks at my eyes,"(Y/N).."

Thinking of a good distraction, I quickly press my lips against his, feeling him tense at the unexpected surprise, and lick my tongue between the skin to feel his perfect teeth.

"GOTTA GO, BYE!!" I practically scream as I run to the Huffelpuff common rooms, and zoom to bed in the girls side of the tower. I cover my beet red face inside the covers of my blankets as my mind turns into a hurricane of,'OMG!!' and,'I KISSED HIM!! I KISSED HIM!! I KISSED HIM!!'

 I cover my beet red face inside the covers of my blankets as my mind turns into a hurricane of,'OMG!!' and,'I KISSED HIM!! I KISSED HIM!! I KISSED HIM!!'

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                    (This clumsy drawing is mine, though it ain't perfect.)

I finally got out of bed and saw that it was 7pm. (Author: Or whatever digits of time you work with.) 'Dang, I have been freaking out for over an hour!' So, seeing as it was nearly time for bed, I quickly washed myself up and worn my long trailing nightgown for bed. 'Avoid him! Yes! Don't say anything about what happened.'

~~Morning, as you go to breakfast! ~~

As I silently pass through the halls, trying not to be seen by Neville, to go to breakfast I feel strong arms wrap around my chest, and cover my gaping mouth for a scream, the air surrounding us tilts in all directions as we are teleported somewhere else.

Breaking free, I quickly stumble out of reach and turn around to see ... NEVILLE!!!

"EEEEKK!!!" I squeal loudly, and force my mouth to shut, as I cover my once again blushing face with my hands.

"S-SORRY! Shhh! Didn't mean to startle you, (Y/N)" Neville nervously tries to calm me down as he scratches the back of his head with a hand.

"I-it's f-fine!! B-but w-wh-why did y-you take me??" Man I'm stuttering like a blubbering idiot.

"Because I wanted to return something." he said coming closer.

"Return what -- mmhhh!?!!!" I was cut off when he firmly pressed his lips against mine, snaking one of his hands to cup itself on my cheek, while the other was tightly wrapping around my waist, pulling us closer. Overcome with shock, I was too surprised at the sudden contact, giving him an opening to slip his tongue through my mouth and exploring the area.

I start melting myself into his kiss, and bring my hands around the back of his head as I tilt mine to reply to his gift. But all to soon the kiss ended as we gasp for air and the atmosphere feels warm and heavy.

"I-I like you (Y/N)." Neville says as his face turns into a tint of pink.

At that I just reply with a small peck on the lips as I silently whisper in his ear,"Same, but as much as I like to continue, lets get some breakfast."

Though he seemed reluctant, he agreed as I pulled him out of the room, for we was in the Griffindor tower, to the Great Hall for something to eat.

I just made stuff up because yes, and this is a Fanfic and my One shots so don't think that what I was talking about with the Scarlet Flower was real.

Various Harry Potter x Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now