Ron x Reader x Harry

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|3rd person|


"What did you two do this time?" Hermione whispered fiercely to the boys in front of her, Harry and Ron, acting like nothing was amiss.

(Y/N) stamped down the stairs in her pajamas as she glares at them. (Y/N)'s face was an almost comical bright red. Her normally, (H/L), and (H/C) hair, was now a wild mess of hot pink.

Harry and Ron took a single look at poor (Y/N), and bursted into aching fits of laughter at the whole prank, while Hermione looks to see (Y/N)'s aura darkening in anger, and there was no way she wanted to deal with any of that, this early in the morning.

Smacking her book at Ron and Harry till their fits stopped she screamed, "I swear you both have been spending too much time with Fred and George to know when you've gone to far!" Having said her peace, the long-haired witch ran out the door before anything happened.

"Soo, you think this is funny right?" (Y/N) sneered.

"Umm.... Harry? What do we doo?" Ronald whispered to his partner in crime. "Ugm... Look (Y/N) we could talk this out!" Harry stuttered, trying to convince her to calm down. Both paled when they heard the painting to the Gryffindor common room close loudly with an enchant versed to lock it in place.

|Meanwhile, outside the common room.|


Screams can be heard as Fred and George Weasly listened to this "payback" from (Y/N), both brothers eating some treats they prepared just for occasions like this.

"Hmmmm, what'd ya suppose is going on now, George?"

"Don't know, Fred, think we should go in?"

(Painful shrieks)

"Naahh" the ginger twins replied.

|A few weeks later.|

(The boys haven't seen you lately because:
1. You were still mad and it took hours till you got the dye out.
2. You felt a bit sad, remembering what some bullies did to you in grade school.
3. You thought they were still scared of you since your last 'chat'.
4. What's worse is that Fred and George took a photo of your hair and kept it in their little Treasury of Trickery.)

"Hey Hermione? Have you seen (Y/N)? We wanted to apologize to her. Don't we Ronald?" Harry grabbed the edge of Ron's cloak before he could get away, because he thought they were going to their graves if they tried to seek her out, as he asked their book worm, interrupting her studies for Divination class.

"Honestly you two, think, what is her favorite subject?" Hermione stressed, as if she were talking to 5 year olds on spelling their own names.

"Umm? Astronomy, right?" Ron guessed.

"That's it! Hagrid's house! She is almost always there to see him when she has time! Thanks Hermione your the best." Harry praised.

"Hold it! You owe me Ronald, Harry. After all you guys said that if I needed your help I could ask, right?" said the clever witch as she thought of something for you two.

"Umm can't this wait? We're a bit busy," Ron said as he was now hurrying out of the Great Hall, not liking the look on her face.

"Nope, you said you owe me one, now my cauldron could use a scrubbing after trying out my potions homework, and I'm busy studying right now, mind if you could volunteer?" She asked with an over dramatic innocent facade.

|After that😼|

(Y/N)'s pov.

You were sitting on the bank of the Black Lake, mind wandering in different directions, thinking here to calm you down.

{'s so peaceful here. I wish things didn't have to change so much, but maybe that's the beauty of it?}

{I should really say sorry to them, but ... what if they don't want to talk to me?}

You were all of a sudden pulled away from your thoughts at the sound of your name being called. Looking around you see Harry and Ron make their way towards you, though Ron looked more like being dragged by Harry, clearly, not in agreement with finding the same person who you nearly burned alive with all the bruises you gave them.

You quickly turned your head around again to see the lake, little waves crawling on the side of the bank.

Ron sitting on my left, Harry sitting on the right. Silence.

"(Y/N)... we're really sorry about what happened last week, honestly!" Harry said as he saw tears starting to trickle down your face.

"Why?! You KNOW HOW BAD I HAD IT IN GRADE SCHOOL!! WHY?!" You snifled, not caring who saw your tears anymore.

"Please don't cry, we ARE sorry we shouldn't have done it in the first place, (Y/N), truly." Ron said as he tries to hug you close to him.

{This...feels nice.} You thought as you clutched the freckled ginger closer to you, feeling Harry pat your back. It took a while, but you finally managed to stop crying and just put your head on his shoulder while holding Harry's hand in your own. All looking at the water, in the still silence.

"O-ok." You say in a hoarse whisper, loud enough for then to hear you.

"Forgive us?" Harry asked quietly.

You nod,"Yes on one condition, though."

"Sure" replied Ron.

"Do my homework for a week." You say, smugly, with a bright smirk across your face as the boys laughed.

"Lets go swimming sometime, ok?" Ron asked with a red streak across his face,"I-If you w-want to that is."

"Hahaha... Sure Ron." You say as you give him a gentle kiss on the cheek Ron's face turning as red as his hair, if not a few shades darker. Not wanting Harry to get left out you give him one as well as you stand up.

"Come on, Hermione will be worried lets get back."

|Somewhere in a tree nearby.|

{Ha! Neville, I was right! Now give me my galleons.} Hermione telepathically asks the other robin next to her as it looks sulkingly at the ground below.

{When we get back to the castle, ok? Before they get back.} Neville replies as he quickly flies to the castle, silently asking himself why he gets into these things in the first place.

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